County Government of Lamu

Financing Locally-Led Climate Action Program (FLLoCA)

Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for FLLoCA Program

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is established to:

  • Address community concerns related to the FLLoCA Program in a fair and transparent manner.
  • Ensure accountability among all stakeholders, including project implementers and beneficiaries.
  • Resolve environmental and social grievances in project areas.
  • Strengthen collaboration between project implementers, executors, and beneficiaries.

Additionally, the GRM enhances community ownership and participation while serving as a feedback mechanism to improve project outcomes.

Grievance Reporting and Resolution Process

Step 1: Receiving and Logging Complaints

  • Complaints can be submitted via the phone, email, or in person at the designated offices.
  • Each complaint is recorded in the Grievance Register for tracking and resolution.
  • The complainant receives an acknowledgment confirming receipt of the complaint.

Step 2: Sorting and Categorization

  • Complaints are reviewed and categorized based on their nature (e.g., environmental, social, financial).
  • If necessary, further clarification or investigation is conducted to determine the validity of the grievance.

Step 3: Resolution and Feedback

  • If the complaint is valid, appropriate actions are taken to resolve the issue.
  • The complainant is informed of the resolution or any further steps required.

Step 4: Escalation (If Unresolved)

  • If the issue remains unresolved, it is escalated to a higher-level authority, such as the GRM Focal Person at the County Climate Change Unit.
  • The complainant receives an update on the actions taken.
  • If still dissatisfied, the complainant has the option to seek redress through legal channels.

Communication Channels

Complaints can be submitted through:
📩 Email
📞 Call/SMS
🏢 Walk-in to designated offices

All grievances are monitored and reported to ensure transparency and accountability in the resolution process.

GRM Email:

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