Lamu Municipality

Duties and Responsibilities

As provided in the Lamu  Municipal Charter, the Urban Areas and Cities (Amendment) Act, 2019 , the Municipal Manager has the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Secretary of the Lamu Municipal Board and ex-officio member of the Board
  2. Implementing the decisions and functions of the Board of the Municipality;
  3. Preparing and presenting for approval of the Board of the Municipality an annual estimate of revenue and expenditure to fund and carry out the programmes and operations of the Board;
  4. Being principally responsible for building and maintaining a strong alliance and effective working relationships between the board of the Municipality and the civil society, private sector, and community based organizations;
  5. Causing to be prepared, transmitted to the Board of the Municipality, and distributed to the public at least an annual report on the activities and accomplishments of the departments and agencies comprising the executive branch of the Municipality;
  6. Acting as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Board of the Municipality;
  7. Fully responsible for the proper conduct of the executive and administrative work and affairs of the Municipality.

The Municipal Manager shall have the power and shall be required to:

  1. Exercise supervision over all departments and agencies of the Municipality and provide for the coordination of their activities;
  2. Enforce the provisions of this Charter, Municipal By-laws, and all applicable laws;
  3. Exercise powers granted to the Municipal Manager in this Charter, By-laws and applicable laws concerning the appointment and removal of certain officers, employees, and members of committees of the Board of the Municipality;

The Municipal Manager Must:

  1. Attend all Board of the Municipality meetings unless excused by the Chairperson of the Board or the Board of the Municipality
  2. Make reports and recommendations to the Board of the Municipality about the needs of the Municipality;
  3. Administer and enforce all Municipality By-laws, resolutions, franchises, leases, contracts, permits, and other Municipality decisions;
  4. On approval by the Board of the Municipality, liaise with the County Public Service Board for the staffing needs, appointment, and removal of Municipality employees in accordance with the County Governments Act;
  5. With the approval of the Board of the Municipality, organize Municipality departments and administrative structure;
  6. In consultation with the Board prepare and administer the annual Municipality budget;
  7. Administer Municipality utilities and property;
  8. Promote cooperation among the Board of the Municipality, staff, and citizens in developing Municipality policies and building a sense of community;
  9. Perform other duties as directed by the Board of the Municipality;

Office: Ex-Lamu Treasury Building, Lamu Island 1st Floor

P.O. BOX 74-80500 LAMU
