Lamu County Public Service Board

Mr. Abdalla Fadhil - Chairperson

Md. Naima Ahmed Mohamed - Vice Chairperson

Mr. Cyrus Mburu - Board Member

Mr. Mwenyeali Mwenye Mohamed - Board Member

Mr. Maawy Farid - Board Member

Ms. Amina Omar
CEO/Secretary to the Board
- Organization Structure of the Board
The Lamu County Public Service Board comprises of the Chairman, Vice Chair, four members and the Secretary to the Board.
In the discharge of its mandate, the Board is assisted by a secretariat headed by Board Secreatry/CEO Mrs. Amina Omar, which provides strategic direction and oversight.
During the year under review, the Board undertook a major restructuring of the secretariat to enable it deliver on the expanded mandate. Consequently the secretariat was organized into three technical Directorates namely: Finance, Administration and Planning; Ethics, Governance and Compliance and Human Resource Management.
- Vision
- Mission
To be a leading, professional, dynamic and high performing County Public Service.
To provide and develop competent human resource that is efficient and effective in service delivery.
- Core Values
- Professionalism and Integrity
- Meritocracy and Fairness
- Equity and Diversity
- Transparency and Accountability
- Innovativeness and Creativity
- Citizen Focused
- Team spirit and participative approach
- Functions of the Board
The functions of the County Public Service Board as spelt out in Section 59 of the County Governments Act of 2012:
- Establish & abolish offices in the County Public Service
- Appoint persons to hold or act in offices of the County Public Service including the Boards of Cities and Urban Areas within the county and confirm the appointments.
- Exercise disciplinary control over and remove persons holding or acting in those offices as provided for under this part.
- Prepare regular reports for submission to the County Assembly on the execution of the functions of the board.
- Promote the County Public Services ‘values and principles referred to in Articles 10 and 232.
- Evaluate and report to the county assembly on the extent to which the values and principles referred to in Article 10 and 232 are complied with in the County Public Service.
- Advice the County Government on human resource management and development.
- Advice the county government on implementation and monitoring of the national performance management systems in the county.
- Make recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) on behalf of the County Government on the remuneration, pensions and gratuities for the County Public Service.
- Our Contacts
Mobile: +254714117546 Email: