Lamu County Government has kick started interdepartmental consultative meetings with stakeholders, development partners and National Government representatives in preparation of County Integrated Development Plan (iii) that will cover year 2023-2027.
The five year County Integrated Development Plan which will later be taken for public participation in September this year, will outline a framework for development in Lamu and aims to co-ordinate the work of both levels of the government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the people and contribute towards devolution.
According to the County Governments act section 108, the county integrated development plan(CIDP) outlines the county development goals covering a period of five years and reflects the County strategic midterm priorities, captures specific goals and objectives, a coasted implementation plan, provisions for monitoring and evaluation and clear reporting mechanisms.
Lamu County CIDP 2023-2027 Public participation will be held from 26th September 2022 in every ward. Respective dates per ward shall be communicated through the county Ward administrator offices.
Today, the County held its meeting organized by budget and economic planning led by their chief Officer Salma Omar with the Health sector led by their C.E.C.M Dr. Anne Gathoni. Also in attendance were Health Chief Officer Dr. Victor Tole, Director Health Dr. Abubakar Baasba, Director of Budget and economic planning Andrew Waweru, Deputy County Commissioner Philip Oloo among others.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at info@lamu.go.ke