County Government of Lamu


The Muslim women advancement of right and protection (MWARP) in conjunction with NCIC and Lamu County Government have today rolled out the Induction/TOT workshop for all the Teachers in Kiunga Ward in strategic preparation for activation of Amani and rights Clubs in lamu county Schools.

The launch of this program in kiunga ward schools is timely and appropriate given the vulnerability of various conflicts witnessed in the entire region.

The program is set to orient school principals and partners on the purpose, vision, and structure of both Amani Clubs and Rights Clubs, highlighting their complementary roles in promoting peace, human rights, and civic engagement among students.

The program also seek to familiarize participants with the formation processes for both Amani and Rights Clubs, including membership criteria, leadership structures, and operational guidelines, ensuring proper setup and sustainability within schools.

The first of a kind initiative to have been launched in Lamu will enhance the understanding of how Amani and Rights Clubs can collaborate with external partners, civil society organizations, and local government stakeholders to enhance their impact on peace, security, and human rights advocacy within schools and the broader community.

The Program is in line with Governor Timamy’s strategy in promoting peace building and conflict management framework from all level of participation starting with school going children who are the most vulnerable when insecurity knocks.

In attendance is Mr. James Chappa, project Officer Mwarp, Umulkher Gender officer mwarp, mohamed Hamisi Regional Cordinator NCIC and Mr. Shee Kupi Shee, Deputy Director Peace building Lamu County Government.

Condolence Message by H.E. Issa A. Timamy, Governor of Lamu County on the passing of the Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Ndung’u Munyua

Date : 7th September, 2024

Fellow Citizens of Lamu and Kenyans at large,

It is with profound sorrow and a heavy heart that I announce the untimely passing of my dear colleague, friend, our beloved Deputy Governor, H.E. Raphael Ndung’u Munyua who left us on Friday 6th September 2024 at about 18.30 Hours at the Nairobi Hospital. His departure has left an irreplaceable void in our hearts and in the leadership of our County.

Raphael was not just a deputy to me; he was a colleague, a close friend, a brother, and a dedicated servant of the people of Lamu. His unwavering commitment to the development and prosperity of our County was evident in every task he undertook, and his passion for uplifting the lives of our people was unmatched.

During his tenure, Raphael championed numerous initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, infrastructure and security in Lamu, always prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable among us. His wisdom, humility, and relentless pursuit of justice will be remembered by all who had the privilege of working alongside him.

To his dear wife Stella Tayo Ndung’u, his children, family and friends and all those who had the privilege of knowing him, we extend our deepest condolences on my behalf, my family, the County Government of Lamu and the People of Lamu. We share in your grief and offer our prayers for comfort during this difficult time. May you find solace in knowing that Raphael served his community with honor and integrity, and his legacy will continue to inspire us all.

As we mourn this great loss, let us come together as one people to honor his memory by continuing the work he so passionately believed in. Let us strive to build a peaceful and prosperous Lamu that reflects the values he stood for – unity, progress, and compassion.

May Raphael rest in eternal peace.

God bless Lamu. God bless Kenya.

H.E. ISSA A. TIMAMY, EGH, OGW – Governor, Lamu County

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