Lamu County Governor H.E Issa Timamy has joined other Frontier County Development Council (FCDC)
Governors in a breakfast meeting to discuss how they can work with the National Government towards promoting devolution and improving regional cooperation for socio-economic transformation among the member counties.
The meeting which is being attended by the 10 member counties in Mombasa, will see the Governors being taken through the scope of FCDC, areas of development interest under FCDC as well as how to ensure counties have collective and coordinated efforts by all stakeholders, with communities at the centre of all initiatives.
Addressing the meeting, Lamu Governor committed to ensure Lamu will be represented in FCDC programes so as to tap the existing devolution vast opportunities that will improve his Administration service delivery, enhance peace and security as well as promote a conducive environment for businesses to thrive.
FCDC mainly focuses on increasing people’s access to essential services in agriculture and livestock, education, water, land, peace and cohesion sectors. Its member counties include; Lamu, West Pokot, Wajir, Turkana, Tana River, Samburu, Marsabit, Mandera, Isiolo and Garissa counties respectively.
Also in attendance was World Bank Director- Keith Hansen.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at info@lamu.go.ke