Three Kiunga ward Cooperatives have received cheques worth Ksh 500,000 each in inclusion grants.
As part of his commitment to eradicate poverty and provide an enabling environment for saving culture and investment, H.E. Governor Fahim Twaha, in partnership with the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program, launched the inclusion grants for the three cooperatives at the County headquarters in Mokowe.
Beneficiary cooperatives in Kiunga ward include;
1. Vipingoni Farmers Cooperative
2. Kiunga Farmers Cooperative
3. Kiunga Fishermen Cooperative
Another Ksh 5 million in inclusion funds will be distributed to eight more cooperatives soon. The funds will be used to train the Cooperative leaders in leadership and management skills, as well as to coach cooperatives in business management, governance, and other skills, as well as to connect cooperatives with other organizations and businesses to strengthen their economic growth and to recruit new members.
Speaking when he handed over the cheques at the County Headquarters in Mokowe, H.E. Governor Fahim Twaha stated that his administration is committed to strengthening Lamu’s cooperative sector to address challenges faced by small agricultural and blue economy producers, due to remoteness and lack of access to information about food prices on national and international markets.
“Strong cooperatives will help our farmers and fishermen overcome historical obstacles by providing many benefits and services to their members, such as group purchasing and marketing, access to high-quality inputs, access to loans to purchase these inputs, as well as build their skills; provide them with knowledge and information, and help them innovate and adapt to changing markets,” Governor Fahim said.
Hon. Fahima Araphat, OGW, CECM Agriculture and Blue Economy, described the initiative as critical in empowering farmers’ and fisher folks to participate in decision-making processes by assisting small producers express their concerns and interests, as well as increasing their negotiating power to influence policy-making processes.
More grants will be distributed to the Lamu people in six KCSAP wards by H.E the Governor, through the steering committee led the CECM Agriculture, Blue Economy and Food Security. Hon. Fahima Araphat, OGW.
182 Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups (VMGs) will receive Ksh 174.5 million in community investment grants, including 36 from Bahari ward, 32 from Mkunumbi, 35 from Hindi, 28 from Witu, 35 from Faza, and 16 from Kiunga wards.
Abdul Fatah, the Chief Officer Fisheries and Agriculture, was in attendance, as was Steven Mbuvi, the KCSAP County Coordinator.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at