Today, 23 ECDE teachers from around Faza ward gathered at Rasini Girls Primary Schools for a special competency-based curriculum training.
Mr. Abdalla Ahmed, Chief Officer Education, officially launched the session, which was moderated by Athman Kheir, ECDE Coordinator, and Lamu East ECDE supervisor Simon Titus.
The program aims to provide ECDE instructors with knowledge of the pre-primary CBC framework, curriculum design interpretation, and professional documentation such as schemes of work, lesson plans, and assessment rubrics.
The training program, which began in Hindi, Mkomani, Shela, and now Faza wards, will be extended to the remaining wards including Mpeketoni, Kiunga, Witu, Mkunumbi, Basuba, and Hongwe
Mr. Abdalla Ahmed noted that the effort began when the Department of Education conducted a study on the quality of Lamu’s early childhood education, which identified a deficit and the need to increase teacher capacity in order to fully support Governor Fahim Twaha’s ECDE growth strategy.
“We plan to enhance our teachers’ capacity by focusing on the CBC framework and curriculum, as well as the interpretation and design of the CBC framework and curriculum. Questioners, observation schedules, written examinations, journals, rating scales, learner profiles, projects, and rubrics among others “Mr. Ahmed said.
The Lamu county government has remained committed to raising the standards of early childhood education in the county under the leadership of His Excellency Governor Fahim Twaha, among other things, by providing infrastructural support, learning and teaching materials, and the employment of more teachers and ECDE supervisors for coordination and quality assurance.