Over 30 education stakeholders in Lamu County drawn from the Lamu County Government, the County Education Board, the Ministry of Education, the Teachers’ Service Commission, and the Agha Khan Foundation, have developed a County action plan addressing areas of education harmonization for implementation and collaboration between the players.
In a joint workshop held on the 26th and 27th March 2022 at the Lamu Vocational Training Center, the stakeholders agreed on an action plan for harmonizing education curricula from pre-primary, primary, secondary, and TVET institutions.
They deliberated on a variety of issues that would allow for consolidation and harmonization, in order to lay a firm foundation for providing high-quality education in Lamu County, that meets locally, regionally, and eventually international standards of excellence.
Among the important harmonization concerns addressed includes:
-Implementing sound management practices and accountability procedures to improve school management and accountability.
-Harmonization of Education Programs through: holding collective consultative meetings, collaborating in functions such as sports, holding common training, sharing resources/facilities; and maintaining an updated TSC data bank on teacher registration at all levels.
-Building teachers’ capacity to implement Competency
-Based Curriculum, Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching as an alternative to disciplinary action by teachers, Remote Learning and Methodologies,
and International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Public Primary and Secondary Schools, among other things.
Chief Officer Education Mr Abdalla Ahmed detailed the county government’s roles and functions in ECDE and TVET, as well as the milestones and road map under Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration for enhanced educational quality and accessibility for all. He emphasized the significance of education harmonization, describing it as a driver for improved performance, equity, meritocracy, employability, economic growth, happiness, and long-term development.
The Workshop was sponsored by Aga Khan Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission and officially closed by the CECM, Education, Youth and Vocational Training, Hon Paul Thairu HSC.
In attendance was;
County Director TSC Madam Riziki, County Director of Education (MOE) Mr. Kaga, TSC Deputy County Director, Mr. Nichodemus Mbaluku, Agha Khan Foundation (AKF) Representatives/organisers,Mrs Zena Atik,Mrs Rahma Abdalla, Madam Mishi; County and Sub-County Directors of MOE, Representatives of the County Education Boards, Principal Education officers, County and Sub-CountFacilitators from KEPSHA and the Aga Khan Foundation, County and sub county Quality assurance and standards officers, Curriculum Support Officers, County and sub county TSC Human Resource officers, County and sub county adult education officers,County Commissioner’s Representative among others .
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