H.E Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H has today attended the 5th Intergovernmental forum for Agriculture that was convened by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock with the aim of enabling actors in the agricultural sector to interact, share and identify barriers against effective implementation of plans and programs at both levels of government.
The forum which was chaired by Cabinet Secretary Hon. Muthika Linturi under the theme of “Promoting Intergovernmental relations and partnerships for sustainable food systems towards 100% food & nutrition security in Kenya” provided an avenue for shaping important decisions on issues of policy, strategies and programs that are geared towards the attainment of the country’s agriculture goals.
The meeting deliberated in the spirit of collaboration and consultation between the two levels of government to ensure inclusive policy and project development to enable county’s to achieve food and nutrition security. They further agreed on how to cascade county governments to become food secure through assisting counties to move from rain fed to irrigated agriculture.
Speaking at the sidelines of the meeting Governor Timamy who is also the Council of Governors Blue Economy Chair reiterated that Agriculture is a devolved function and as such County Governments play an important role in ensuring that engagement at this level is necessary for the success of all activities under the sector, this will help secure sustainable outcomes that will benefit the famers. He further noted that his administration was keen on establishing irrigation farming at ward based levels as a way of creating employment and ensuring Lamu is good secure.
The forum brought together top leadership from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation led by the Cabinet Secretary – Hon. Muthika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime affairs Hon. Salim Mvurya, Council of Governors Chair H.E. Ann Waiguru, 17 Governors, senior government officials from both level of governments, private sector representatives, donors and development partners.
For more information contact: Lamu County Government Communications Office at info@lamu.go.ke