Traders in Kizingitini village in Faza ward are set to benefit from the construction of a modern market facility that was commissioned on Saturday by Lamu Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW.

The economic stimulus project is being constructed by the state Department of Housing and Urban Planning in partnership with the county government as part of the ongoing efforts to promote economic growth and improve infrastructure under the governor’s transformative agenda.

According to the UDA Deputy Party Leader, the state-of-the-art fish market facility will accommodate over 100 traders and include key amenities such as a cold storage, ablution block, kitchen, rest area, jabia, and a borehole.

“This market will significantly enhance the region’s economy, serving residents across Lamu East Sub-county. It is a testament to the county government’s dedication to addressing local needs and driving development,” The Governor remarked.

Lamu East MP Captain Ruweida who was in attendance, thanked Governor Timamy’s effort towards ensuring the market is built and further committed to work closely with his Administration in ensuring the market which will be a game changer in Lam East is completed in earnest.

The Governor was accompanied by CECMs, Chief Officers, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, CoS Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, area MCA Hon. Simba and nominated MCA Hon. Medo


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