Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC), through the intervention of Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with KMTC outlining modalities of engagement between the two institutions to enhance health services delivery in the County.
The MoU which will enable the college to enroll 800 medical students this september, encompasses;
1. Enhancing training of health professionals by introducing more courses like; Nursing, Clinical Medicine & Orthopedics/Trauma Courses.
2. The new Mokowe hospital to become the County Orthopedics & trauma centre, Modern eye unit and maternity where KMTC students will be offered attachment at the facility, King Fahd and Mpeketoni hospitals respectively.
3. Medical students will get to use the new Mokowe Hospital facility for learning purposes while the Department of Health leverages on the arrangement to boost human capacity.
Speaking during the signing in Nairobi, Governor Issa Timamy hailed the move as one that would greatly benefit the county.
“KMTC is critical in supporting the County Government to equip their health facilities with the requisite human resource and my government will work with the College to boost medical training and enable the success of President William Ruto to achieve the Universal Health Care agenda” the Governor said.
He further thanked KMTC for having awarded six scholarships to Lamu students and are currently pursuing their courses at different campuses.
The scholarships were awarded under the Beyond Zero project following the Governor’s intervention.
Echoing the Governor’s sentiments, Health CECM Dr. Mbarak Bahjaj underscored the importance of the MoU towards giving an opportunity for the County and the institute to work together to enhance the delivery of its mandate in training and research.
KMTC CEO, Dr.Kelly Oluoch assured the Governor that the MoU will cement their working relationship and ensure that they are all doing their part to achieve the objective of strengthening the health systems in Lamu County.
KMTC Chairperson Joseah K Cheruiyot and KMTC Board Members also witnessed the signing.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at communication@lamu.go.ke