The Lamu County Public Service Board has officially unveiled the Audit report for the 3rd Human Resource Audit in Lamu County .
Speaking when he launched the Audit report, Mr. Abdalla Fadhili, Chairman Lamu County Public Service Board, explained that, the audit exercise targeted over 100 work stations around the County, and 1,693 personnel were audited in a period of three months .
“We have been able to weigh our compliance with constitutional obligations on public service inclusivity, which is one of our fundamental aims, through the audit exercise. Data collection required three months, followed by four months for data cleaning, processing, analysis, interpretation, and final recommendations” Mr Fadhil stated.
According to the data, the Lamu County Government has employed :
-25 People with Disabilities (1.5%) of the total workforce
-Gender representations is at 59 percent Male and 41 percent Female.
-Youth representation is 48.2 percent.
-Indigenous communities are represented by 67 percent
-Representation of marginalized people stands at 25 staff members(Boni and Sanye) translating to 1.5 percent
According to Mr Fadhil, other core objectives’ for the Audit exercise included the necessity to compare payroll data with data received from the audit survey.
“This audit report has enabled us to find out the total number of County employees and in post per department. We have also done an assessment of skills available in the public service for proper placement within different county departments. We have also successfully assed the composition of staff in the County in terms of employment, need for succession plan, in addition to inclusivity in the Lamu County Public Service Board as stipulated by our constitution” Said Mr Fadhil
CECM Finance, Hon. Abdu Godana received the report on behalf of Governor Fahim Twaha, praising the board’s efforts, stating that, it would aid in improving staff performance. He went on to say that the report indicated Lamu County does not discriminate in hiring because its employees come from more than thirty tribes.
“This Audit Report will assist the County Government in determining the actual number of employees, their work stations, gender, those with disabilities, and those who require promotion, among other issues. This will ensure that the County Government is up to speed on employment law, is compliant, and follows best practices.” Hon. Godana stated
112 County employees did not participate in the audit, according to the report. The board has recommended that Chief Officers in the relevant departments conduct additional inquiries into the existence of the officials in question. Meanwhile, due to non-submission, their pay would be suspended immediately until verified and validated.
The report recommends that the County Government;
-Develops a succession plan matrix that includes promotions, recruiting, upgrades, re-designations, redeployments, and trainings.
-Supervising the recruitment of new personnel in the County to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation.
– Immediate creation of a County Human Resource Information System to keep up with current HR concerns and trends.
-Development of a framework for the county’s temporary employment management (casuals, contracts, internship, attachee and volunteers)
-Create a county-wide integrated human-resources plan to manage employee retention and the acquisition of unique knowledge through internal and external recruitment.
-Establish a public service career advice and management plan.
– Determine training needs and create a county skill inventory.
In attendance was the CECM Lands, Ahmed Hemed, senior officials from various departments in the County Government, Mkomani Ward MCA Yahya Ahmed Shee among others.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at