Lamu County Government, in partnership with USAID KUZA, has formally unveiled its first Disaster Risk Management Policy (DRM), Act, and Implementation Framework, as well as two investment prospectuses, one for Fisheries and the other for Cotton value chains.
In accordance with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the DRM Policy describes Lamu County’s strategy for positioning itself as a strategic county for disaster risk reduction activities. A measure that will reinforce and legally enshrine response mechanisms in the County’s long-term development strategy.
Speaking when he officially launched the four policy documents, Governor Fahim Twaha emphasized the relevance of the DRM policy in disaster preparedness, coordination, and response .
“Every sectors’ function and obligations will be clarified thanks to the Disaster Act. Furthermore, by establishing a legal framework for all aspects of disaster risk management, it will aid in the coordination mechanisms including lowering the risk of readiness, response, and recovery, as well as facilitating downstream actions.” Governor Twaha said.
He went on to say that the new Cotton and Fisheries Investment Prospectus, on the other hand, will enable Lamu to strategically position itself in competitive markets, exposing its ability to expand and optimize its economic opportunities, spur investment, and create jobs for the Lamu people, citing Lamu’s proximity to the LAPSSET, availability of reliable power, and decent roads.
Ms Wyanie Bright, the Chief of Party for USAID KUZA, highlighted major areas of collaboration with the Lamu County Government, which is one of the ten Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC), including:
-Support for an enabling policy environment
-Strengthening Lamu’s governance capacity
-Promote private sector investment
-Integrating the County’s monitoring and assessment systems.
“Lamu County Government has been a prize county among the 10 FCDC Counties; we have been able to work collaboratively and Co-created with Lamu County Policy Support, which would boost the economic environment and investment activities in Lamu,” Ms Bright said.
Mr. John Githiaka, a USAID KUZA capacity development advisor, described Lamu as a model county among the other 10 FCDC counties.
“Lamu is the first FCDC county in Kenya to introduce a DRM policy, Act, and Implementation Framework, as well as investment prospectus. This is a testament of the work the county team has been doing,” Mr Githiaka stated
Lamu County and USAID KUZA are also working together on three other policies that will be implemented soon, including:
– Monitoring and Evaluation Policy,
– The Peace Building and Conflict Management Policy
– The Public Participation and Civic Education Policy
The Governor thanked the several stakeholders that contributed to the formulation of the DRM policy and bill, including Red Cross, Kenya Maritime Authority, Kenya Medical Association, Kenya Coast Guard, and IPSTC (International Peace Support Training Centre) Muhuri, among others.
Mr. Vicky Liyai, US Embassy USAID Representative, Ms Mary Onsongo, USAID KENYA(-East Africa) Program Specialist, Deputy Governor, Abdulhakim Bwana, CECM Finance, Abdu Godana, CECM Fisheries and Agriculture, Fahima Araphat, OGW, County Directors drawn from various departments, and other senior County Officials were in attendance.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at