Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timmay has this morning commissioned the countywide distribution of free ECDE and TVET learning materials at the County Headquarters in Mokowe.
A total of 130 Early Childhood Development and Education centers (ECDE) across the county are set to benefit from the free county learning materials and text books while 19 Technical and Vocational Education and Training centers (TVETs) will receive different workshop and learning materials.
The materials will go a long way towards entrenching a holistic development approach in our learning institutions.
Speaking during the event Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy underscored the importance of early childhood education adding that they are the base to nurture a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.
“My administration will remain committed to support and equip our ECDE centers that will enable our beloved children to acquire learning abilities and the required social development. Towards the realization of the same, my administration will further ensure ECDE centers receive free learning materials after every four months in a bid to emphasize the importance of early childhood education as an essential building block of a child’s future success” Governor Timamy said.
The Governor further pledged to form a task force that will visit all ECDE centers across the county to inspect on their infrastructure as well as report on how to improve and make them more effective. The County boss also revealed that his administration would promote teachers who were employed long ago as well as employment of more teachers under permanent and pensionable terms.
As the world is celebrating World Teachers’ Day whose theme for this year’s celebration is “The Transformation Of Education Begins With Teachers” Governor Timamy took that opportunity to celebrate all teachers for their dedication and sacrifice in their work and also promised them that his administration will start recognizing annual best teachers as a way of recognizing their efforts and also creating healthy competition amongst them.
The County Government of Lamu will also engage TVET instructors and other partners to explore on how to ensure certificates issued to graduates are recognized in the job market. According to Governor Timamy certificates and qualifications that are recognized and accredited proves that the course pursued meets all the professional standards set in a given jurisdiction and also enables job seekers to explore a wider job market spectrum.
In matters of development, the County Governor committed to redress the health sector by ensuring there is efficient and effective service delivery, fighting drug abuse, improving on agriculture and infrastructure among others.
Hon. Paul Thairu, HSC, Mst.J, CECM Education and Vocational Training thanked HE Governor Timamy for demonstrating his goodwill towards investing in ECDE and TVET noting that they have strong dividends to individuals, communities, and national economies through improved livelihoods, workforce participation, and GDP growth.
Also in attendance was the Chief of Staff Dr. Abdulnassir M. Issa, TVET managers, TVET trainers, ECDE teachers, ECDE pupils’ among others.
For more information contact
Lamu County Government Communications Office at; communication@lamu.go.ke