County Government of Lamu

PHONE: 0715 555111


P.O BOX 74 - 80502


Lamu County is forming a leadership forum to address continuing concerns that have resulted in insecurity in the county.

The inclusive forum, which will be made up of political, religious, and community leaders, will consolidate public opinion in Lamu to develop an agenda to be discussed with the National Government at a meeting to be held in Lamu.

This is according to Lamu County Governor Fahim Twaha during a meeting organized by Coast Regional Commissioner John Elungata with Lamu elected leaders in Mombasa that included: Senator Anwar Oloitiptip, Women Representative Ruweida Obbo, Lamu West Member of Parliament Stanley Muthama, and Lamu West Member of Parliament Ali Shariff.

Following a series of attacks that resulted in deaths and wanton destruction of property, Governor Fahim asked the National Government to intensify its multi-agency operation currently underway to restore peace and order as soon as possible.

“This country has a functioning government that will not be intimidated by terrorists or sit down with them. These criminals and their backers must either be apprehended and prosecuted or neutralized “Governor Fahim stated.

“We expect the forum with the National Government to help address unresolved concerns with land ownership and adjudication in the county, as well as the speeding of title deed issuing, aside from quelling the insecurity situation as an immediate solution,” he added.

The Governor praised the National Government and the community for a long-standing period of calm, spanning a thousand days, adding that recent incidents of insecurity should not reverse the gains of the peaceful coexistence.


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I would like to express my sympathies to the families and security personnel who lost loved ones while on duty in the Milihoi Area. They were heroes. May the almighty creator provide you all the strength and grace you need to get through this difficult moment.

The despicable and abhorrent wayside attack, like the recurring criminal attacks on innocent civilians, should be countered with force and precision. We made this known at a meeting with Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr. Fred Matiangi in Nairobi today, alongside Senator Anwar Oloitiptip, Women Representative Ruweida Obbo, and Lamu West Member of Parliament Stanley Muthama, among other security officials.

The formation of an emergency leadership caucus, comprised of elected and community leaders, to get to the root of the problems that led to the runaway insecurity attacks, was one of the issues agreed upon, ahead of a visit by the National Government to Lamu County.

The discussion also reviewed local security measures, such as activating local National Police Reservists to augment community vigilance and expediting title deeds issuance and land reforms, both of which are issues that my government has championed, as well as assisting in recovery and rebuilding efforts of the affected families, which my administration has also started.

Those who are spreading mayhem, as well as those who aim to harm Lamu County, should be aware that the county is far too vital in Kenya’s modern setup, and its growth trajectory will not be impeded by individuals motivated by political machinations, terrorism, or anarchy. We will not be divided as a people. We will build this County to its rightful stature as one people.

I’m calling on all of us to remain peaceful but not afraid, cautious but not deterred and vigilant at all times.

Governor Fahim Twaha

Lamu County Governor.

H.E. Abdulhakim Aboud, Lamu Deputy Governor today condoled with attack victims in Bobo Sonke village, Hindi Ward.

The DG, who spoke on behalf of H.E. Governor Twaha, stated that the County Government will provide food assistance to the affected families and assist them in rebuilding their lives.

He further stated that all students from impacted households will be granted a scholarship under the County Scholarship affirmative action program.

The DG also urged residents to preserve law and order in order to allow the multi-agency teams to carry out their duty.

County CECM Trade Hon. Josphat Musembi, CECM Education Hon. Paul Thairu HSC, CECM Health Dr. Ann Gathoni, Hongwe MCA James Komu Janko, accompanied the DG.


Governor H.E Fahim Twaha has today assured the public that the Ministry of Lands is in the process of issuing squatters within Lamu County with title deeds.

This follows the completion of the survey process by Lamu County Government for most land occupied by squatters, stated Governor Fahim.

He was speaking to residents of Widho sub-location, Mkunumbi Ward, after he led a delegation to condole with the affected families following a spate of attacks that have led to loss of seven lives and destruction of property.

The Governor condemned the heinous attacks and urged residents to maintain peace, order and cooperation with security agencies in sharing information on suspicious activities.

“I urge the members of the public to adhere with the dusk-to-dawn curfew for a period of Thirty (30) days effective 5th, 2022 in Witu, Mpeketoni, Mkunumbi and Hindi Divisions as instructed by the the Ministry of Interior since it will assist the security agencies to combat the polarized situation,” said Governor Fahim.

He further assured the residents that, the County Executive will this Thursday, January 6th hold an emergency sitting to reallocate a fund of KSh.1million to aid towards the families’ rebuilding and recovery process.

Governor Fahim also instructed the Department of Education to enroll four secondary school students from the area who lost their parents in the attack in the County’s full scholarship program under affirmative action. The villagers will also receive food aid under the ongoing County relief for drought program.

In attendance were: Hongwe MCA Hon. James Komu, County Executive Committee Members Hon. Paul Thairu HSC, Hon. Josphat Musembi, CS Mr. John Mburu, COS Mr. Mohamed Bute and Lamu West Acting DCC Mr. Gakuru, Security agencies among other County and national government officials.

Story by: Samuel Mkare

For more information contact communications office at;


I’m outraged and heartbroken about the atrocities committed against innocent civilians of Widho Village, Mkunumbi Ward, Lamu County, yesterday night.

I sincerely condole with the families of Joseph Mwangi, Francis Kamau, John Murimi, Peter Musyoka, Maina Wanjege and Peter Maina, brutally murdered in the vile attack, as confirmed by security authorities. Equally, my heart aches, like I’m sure all of you do as well, for all those that have been wounded or lost property.

The situation on ground is still evolving and I’m constantly being updated. I call on the Security apparatus at National, Regional and County levels to get to the bottom of this issue and serve justice expeditiously. It is our continuous obligation to defend the interests of all the civilians and their right to life, at all measures.

Thank you. May God bless you all. And may God protect us and all those standing watch for Kenya.

H.E Fahim Twaha,

Governor, Lamu County Government

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