An induction session for the six newly appointed Vocational Training Center Managers was held by the Department of Education and Vocational Training at Royal Park in Bahari Ward .
The newly appointed managers include Stephen mwangi, Mercy Ndaru, Farah Bwanakheri, Haruin Ali, Fa-thi Mosoud and Myriam Motuku . The six await deployment to six Vocational Training Centers namely; Lamu VTC, Mokowe VTC, Kizingitini VTC, Mpeketoni VTC, Witu VTC and Tewe VTC .
The induction exercise, led by CECM Education, Hon. Paul Thairu HSC, and Chief Officer Education, Mr. Abdalla Ahmed, aims to provide VTC managers with skills in strategic financial and human resource management, as well as supporting, evaluating, and developing teacher quality, goal-setting, assessment, and accountability, as well as collaborating with other schools and the labor market.
CECM Education Hon Paul Thairu HSC welcomed the new managers on their appointment during the seminar. He emphasized the necessity of competent VTC center administration, saying that there are strong links between institutional leadership, teacher motivation, student well-being, and teaching and learning quality.
“As a VTC manager, you are required to not only plan and govern your institutions strategically, but also to lead pedagogical innovation, build collaboration networks with multiple organisations, and keep abreast of new technological developments in industry . You are expected to build strong, effective and flexible VTC programmes that can adapt to today’s emerging challenges” Said Hon Thairu
Mr. Abdalla Ahmed, the Chief Officer of Education, stressed the importance of officials’ integrity and commitment in carrying out their jobs efficiently.
“You must take your responsibilities seriously and uphold professionalism and fairness in the professional development of teachers and trainers, as well as the management of teaching and learning facilities and equipment, and, last but not least, efficient financial resource management.” Mr. Abdalla Ahmed stated
Some of the areas covered during the seminar included:
-Public Sector Financial Management Concept
-Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
-Risk Management policy, Mapping, and Procedures
-Human resource and cross-cutting concerns
-Budget presentation and financial reporting including financial reporting framework among others
The facilitators were drawn from the departments of Budget, Finance, Procurement, Public Service Management, and Public Administration.
Mr. John Mburu,the County Secretary, graced the opening of the seminar noting that the appointments are part of His Excellency Governor Fahim Twaha’s bigger program to increase the number of local graduates with technical expertise . This mirrors the national government’s ambition to reduce skills gap in line with Vision 2030 development goals.
Over 4,000 Lamu youths are currently enrolled in various courses at local TVETS, which are fully financed by Governor Fahim’s administration.
The County Government has implemented far-reaching reforms in the TVET sector in the past four years including the opening of 14 satellite TVETs, elimination of fees, and expansion of the curriculum to ensure that the centers remain free for young people to learn and gain the technical skills they need in today’s employment market.
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