Lamu County Governor H.E. Issa Timamy H.S.C has this afternoon joined Lamu County Executive Committee Members, Chief Officers, and other senior county officials who are currently attending induction workshop in Mombasa.
The four-day induction workshop, organized by Kenya School of Government is aimed at enhancing the participants’ knowledge of government operations, skills, functions,practices as well as other information critical in the execution of their mandates.
In his remarks, the Governor underscored the role of CECMs and Chief Officers as critical in the governance of the County Government and insisted that their experience will contribute to the success of the development programmes.
“Most of you have worked in different sectors, which gives you great insights that will be valuable in your mandate to offer policy direction in your respective county departments.” Said the A.N.C Party leader. He further called upon the state officers to perform their duties diligently and shun away from acts of corruption, misuse of power and abuse of finance regulations.
“Together with my Deputy we have a contract with the great people of Lamu and I urge you to perform your duties deligently since that’s the only way we can honor wananchi by offering efficient and effective services. I also want ask you to familiarize yourselves with the constitution of Kenya, County Government’s act, Public Finance Management Act, Public Procurement Act among other acts and policies since they will greatly help you in performing your duties” added Governor Timamy.
The induction also focuses on key areas of priorities such as Public Management, county planning, and performance management for effective and efficient service delivery in line with the spirit of devolution.
The four days induction will end on Thursday this week.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at info@lamu.go.ke