County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Senior government officials and Lamu KISIP 2 Coordination team held a consultative meeting with the state department of housing and urban development led by Sam Mbora and the KISIP consultant team from East Africa Engineering Consultant jointly with Italian Company led by Eng.Caleb Murila.
The Purpose of the meeting was to introduce the KISIP 2 consultant who will design infrastructure and supervise jointly the implementation of the project with the Lamu KISIP 2 Coordination team for the six informal settlements.
On behalf of the governor Issa Timamy, Amb. Abbas assured the State department of housing and urban development and the KISIP 2 consultant of their support and collaboration in implementing the project and thanks the National Government and the world bank for the funding.
The KISIP 2 Project seek to improve access to basic services and land tenure, security of residents in six informal settlements within Lamu County and strengthen institutional capacity for slum upgrading in Kenya.
The six informal settlements which are set to benefit from KISIP 2 includes:- Kiunga,Faza, Matondoni,Wiyoni, Mokowe and Witu .
In attendance was CECM Lands, Infrastructure and Urban Development Tashrifa Bakari, Lamu County Project Coordinator Omar Sagaff among others.