Lamu County And National Gov’t To Undertake Water Projects To Increase Water Provision to Lamu residents

Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua has today held a consultative meeting with Lamu leaders and the Water and Sanitation Principal Secretary Hon. Paul Rono in his Nairobi office.

The meeting delved on how the national government can work with Lamu County towards setting up sustainable water projects that would ensure easy access and guarantee sufficient water supply to all Lamu residents.

The P.S committed to work with the County Government towards rolling out short term and long term water infrastructure projects that will adequately serve both their domestic and livestock needs. He further noted the success of these projects is pegged on a cordial working relationship between the County Government of Lamu and the National Government.

Among key infrastructure projects that were agreed upon included;

1. Rehabilitation of djabias in Lamu East constituency.

2. Solarization of existing desalination plants.

3. Construction of 6 water pans (Three in Lamu East and the others in Lamu West)

4. Solarization and rehabilitation of bore holes at Shela, Lake Kenyatta and Witu.

5. Completion of ongoing works at Vumbe.

Towards finding a long term plan for the water shortages in Lamu County, the leaders agreed on;

1) Construction of Mangai dam.

2)Construction of water canal from Tana river.

3). Installation of heavy duty desalination plants for Faza ward.

The meeting was convened by P.S State Department for Investment Hon. Abubakar Hassan. In attendance also was C.A.S Office of the Cabinet Prime Secretary Hon. Sharif Athman Ali, Lamu Senator Hon. Joseph Githuku and Lamu East MP. Hon. Ruweida Obo.


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