Lamu County is avowedly ambitious for its youngest children by securing them a long-term future through ushering them for pre-primary education in a new, ground-breaking policy commencing academic year 2024.
According to Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW his Administration is alive to the fact that these early years provide a critical window of opportunity for young learners since that’s where a child’s brain development occurs. Towards unlocking this big change in the academic system, the county government will continue to provide infrastructure and cognitive development so as to maximise on children’s holistic development to achieve the greatest impact on their lives.
Speaking in Lamu East after conducting visit to Mararani, Basuba , Milimani and Mangai to assess the provision of pre primary education and wish grade six success in their upcoming KPSEA assessment, Education CECM Hon. Sebastian Owanga said the County was prepared to usher the pupils in the new system that puts emphasis on a learner’s unique talents and abilities rather than focusing wholly on academics and exam performances.
The County Government also donated sanitary towels to students who are sitting for their KAPSEA assessment.
Unlike the 8-4-4 system where learners would spend 8 years for primary education, 4 years in secondary school and 4 years at the university, the CBC curriculum runs on a 2-6-3-3 system of education where basic education has been organized in three levels; Early Years Education, Middle School Education, and Senior School.
For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at communication@lamu.go.ke