County Government of Lamu

PHONE: 0715 555111


P.O BOX 74 - 80502


Lamu County Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has today held discussions with Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to deliberate on areas of partnership for the interests of local communities.

The discussion centered on areas of possible partnerships including training County Executive Committee Members and treasury officers on financial matters where he also emphasized that his administration is keen on diverse investments.

Governor Timamy further noted that the county has many economic activies that generate revenue including livestock, blue economy, tourism, agriculture, mining and a newly built port. The govenor is partnering with stakeholders to digitize the revenue streams to make them cashless.

Led by Central Bank of Kenya Mombasa Branch Manager Mr. Agina Clement, also presented a memorabilia booklet which holds specimen bank notes of the new currency issued in 2019.

In attendance was Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua, CBKs Mrs. Ondari Emily and Habib Mazrui.


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The construction of the first Emergency Operation Center in Lamu County has begun today.

The ground-breaking ceremony was graced by Lamu County Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W and once complete, the center will host response units that are responsible for promoting efficient organization and coordination of search, rescue operations, disaster and emergency response within rescue region.

According to the Governor, the center will act as a resource center to the county government, Red Cross, World Wide Fund, Police among others to enable them operate from a central coordinated place whenever there are hazards and emergencies.

“This disaster rescue center will be a game changer towards responding to emergencies in Lamu. It will enable stakeholders to operate from a designated place thus reducing response time and increased coordination, making emergency and disaster response missions, coordination and operations swift and timely” Governor Timamy stated.

The Governor who was accompanied by his Deputy H.E Raphael Munyua further noted that many emergency response missions fail because resources and personnel are far apart and that largely affects decision making in times of emergencies.

The coordination center is expected to be complete by end of April this year and is being constructed in partnership with World Wide Fund and Kenya Red Cross.

In attendance was Hon. Tashrifa Bakari Mohamed, C.E.C.M – Lands, Red Cross Regional Manager Mr. Hassan Musa, WFF Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator Mr. Ahmed Mbarak, Lamu County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa, Chief Officer Devolution and Disaster Management Mr. Kasim Mohamed among others.


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Gavana wa Lamu Mstahiki Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W asubuhi ya leo, amezindua upya huduma ya afya mashinani katika makao makuu ya afisi za kaunti ya Lamu, Mokowe.

Huduma hiyo ya gari ambayo itawafikia wenyeji vijijini mwao, itafahamika kama *Timamy Care* Afya Mashinani, Afya Majumbani .

Huduma hizi zitatolewa na wahudumu wa afya wa kaunti wakishirikiana na wale wa kujitolea katika sehemu za ndani.

Akizungumza wakati wa kuzindua gari ambalo litatumika kutoa huduma hiyo, Gavana Issa Timamy, amewapongeza wahudumu wa afya wa kujitolea kwa kazi nzuri ambayo wamekuwa wakiifanya ya kushugulikia wagonjwa mashinani.

“Kama hakikisho la kudumisha uhusiano mwema baina ya serikali na wahudumu wa afya wa kujitolea, serikali yangu itapendekeza kujumishwa kwa wahudumu wa kujitolea kwenye bajeti ya mwaka wa 2023/2024 ili wapate kiinua mgongo kutokana na kazi yao nzuri” Asema Gavana.

Kwa upande wake,Naibu Gavana Raphael Munywa,aliwapogeza wahudumu hao kwa kujitolea kwao na kuwaomba waendelee na juhudi zao za kutoa huduma afya kwa ushirikiano na idara ya afya.

Waziri wa Afya Daktari. Mbarak Mohamed Bahajaj, alimshukuru Gavana Timamy kwa kujitolea kuboresha huduma za afya huku akitoa hakikisho kuwa idara yake imeweka mipango mahususi ili kuboresha huduma za afya.

Gari hilo ambalo ni la kipekee, lilikarabatiwa na kuweka vifaa vya kutoa matibabu ya afya, limerejelea kutoa huduma baada ya kutelekezwa miaka mitatu iliyopita litakuwa likitembea vijijini kutoa huduma za afya mara moja kwa wiki.

Waliokuwepo ni pamoja na Mkuu wa Utumishi wa Umma Balozi Ali Abbas, Msimamizi wa afisi ya Gavana Abdulnasir M. Issa, Afisa Mkuu wa Uhasibu Dkt. Victor Tole miongoni mwa wengine.


Kwa habari zaidi tufikie kupitia;


Lamu Principal Magistrate Hon. Allan Temba Sitati and his team has today paid a courtesy call to Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W to discuss on possible areas of collaboration.

Lamu Governor committed to support the Judiciary by allocating them land in Hindi Ward to set up the first high court in Lamu County citing that he’s keen on enhancing access to justice by ensuring court facilities are established closer to citizens.

Principal Magistrate Wachira lauded the move saying the County Government decision to allocate them land for construction of the high court is a milestone in the transformation journey of the judiciary.

The establishment of a high court in Lamu will be a sigh of relief to many Lamu residents who were forced to travel to Kilifi and Tana River counties to access high court services.

Mr. Wachira was accompanied by Lamu Resident Magistrate Martin Wachira Kadhi Swaleh M. Ali, Lamu County Secretary among others.


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County Government in partnership with the Kenya Redcross Society and World Wide Fund will construct an Emergency Operation Center at Mokowe Command Center to enhance disaster response across the county.

Speaking after launching a multi agency response operation center training program, Chief Officer for Devolution, Disaster Management and Resource Mobilization Hon. Kassim Mohamed noted that a well conceived emergency preparedness and response plans will not only save lives and property, but will also contribute to resilience and post-disaster recovery by lessening the impact of a disaster.

The center will be set up in Hindi Ward will help in coordination, disaster response as well as resource management.

In attendance were Regional Director Kenya Redcross Society Hassan Musa, Assistant County Commissioner Philip Oloo, Marine Project Officer WWF Kenya Hassan Bwanamkuu, Redcross County Coordinator Abdulhakim Abdu among others.


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The County Government of Lamu in partnership with World Bank-funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP), have handed out freezers, pestcides, jembes, spraying pumps and heifers to five microprojet interest groups from Witu, Bahari and Mkunumbi wards respectively.

Speaking during the event, Lamu County C.E.C.M for Agriculture Hon. James Gichu assured farmers that County Government of Lamu will continue supporting smallholder farmers and this year the county government through the department of Agriculture will be giving high yield planting seeds among other farm inputs .

He further assured farmers that the Governor Timamy was working towards reviving Agriculture through supporting small holder farmers by giving them farm inputs, subsidized tractor services, planting seeds among others.

The CECM further urged farmers and pastoralists to live in harmony adding that peaceful coexistence would foster economic growth in Lamu as well attract more development partners.

Addressing the beneficiaries during the distribution exercise, KCSAP County Program coordinator Mr. Steven Mbuvi, urged the groups to preserve the livestock for posterity and not seek short-term benefits. The project aims to increase agricultural productivity and enhance resilience to climate change.

The groups that benefited include;

Witu Ward

1. Majengo Walemavu that recieved 20 heifers.

2. Witu Upendo CBO recieved 30 heifers.

3.Wendo Tangeni recieved 30 heifers

4.Muteithia group recieved 8 motorised spraying pumps.

5.Kasakakairu Tumaini silc benefited with kienyeji mash.

Bahari Ward

1.Singoma Self Help group 30 heifers.

2.Kilimani Vision Women Self Help Group 25 heifers.

3.Upendo Majirani women Group 25 heifers.

4.Onido Neema Self Help Group 20 heifers.

Mkunumbi ward

1.Mkunumbi Nusrat women Group 20 heifers .

2.Ndambwe received an outboard engine, life jacket, cooler boxes, flippers fishing reel.

Mkunumbi fisher received Deep frizeer, jiko okoa, frying karai, big frying sppon.

In attendance were CECM Education Hon. Sabastian Owanga among other officers from Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP).


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Lamu County Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has today signed an MoU on behalf of Lamu County with the National Government for the construction of affordable Housing program in Lamu County.

Speaking after signing the MoU at the sidelines of the 9th National and County Coordinating Summit that is being chaired by H.E President William Samoei Ruto in Naivasha, Governor Timamy said the project will see Lamu build 5,000 houses where 1,000 houses will be build each year.

The Housing Permanent Secretary Charles Hinga lauded the Lamu Governor for his commitment towards the project saying its a manifestation that with good leadership things can be done promptly and efficiently. He further called on the remaining counties to emulate Lamu and embrace the project which seeks to offer dignified living at an affordable rate for Kenyans.

Governor Timamy said the project is in tandem with President William Ruto’s development agenda for affordable housing a priority.

“This is an opportunity that, if well capitalized on, has the potential to turn around the region’s economy. We will have the best arrangement with the locals and all parties to benefit the people of Lamu County.” Said the A.N.C party leader.

The signing of the MoU was witnessed by Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development Hon. Zacharia Mwangi Njeru together with Lamu County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas.


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Lamu Museum has officially opened its doors to tourists, academics and researchers after undergoing restoration and exhibition facelift that was funded by the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman.

The museum which was officially opened by Cabinet Secretary for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Hon. Penina Malonza, hosts the largest and most authentic Swahili ethnographic and archeological artifacts collections that will illuminate different facets of Swahili cultural heritage and various collections of artefacts such as; traditional clothing, jewellery, furniture, musical instruments, maritime and dhow materials, archaeological finds, among a wide array of household and technical tools and implements.

Lamu Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua who was representing, H.E Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW thanked the Oman government for their contribution towards the face lifting of the museum noting that it was an affirmation that Lamu and Oman have strong relations that date back to the 17th century when coastal cities were occupied by the Sultanate of Oman.

The Deputy Governor underscored the opening of Lamu Museum would open up Lamu county economy through tourism revenue collection and create jobs among the youth in the tourism industry.

Present dignitaries during the official opening that was done on Friday were, PS for Culture & Heritage Ummi Bashir, PS for Tourism Mr.John Ololtuaa, PS for Investment Promotion Mr. Abubakar Hassan Abubakar, Charge de Affairs Oman Embassy to Kenya Amb. Said Al Amry, Former Ambassador of Oman to Kenya Amb. Saleh Harithi, Ambassadors from Sudan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the National Records and Archives Authority, Lamu County CECM for Tourism Aisha Miraj among other national and county government officials.


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Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy EGH, OGW attending the 9th National & County coordinating summit in Naivasha that was chaired by H.E President William Ruto to deliberate on how best they can entrench devolution and

ensure there is collaboration between devolved units and the National Government which will move our country forward.

President William Ruto committed to ensure timely disbursement of county revenue allocation funds to counties to enhance service delivery.

Governor Timamy thanked President Ruto for his commitment to ensure timely disbursement of funds noting that delays and unpredictable disbursements would negatively impact service delivery and put Counties at the risk of accruing pending bills.

“The commitment from the President is an affirmation that the great people of Lamu will continue getting development projects, timely response to interventions to drought and disaster management” Said the A.N.C Party leader.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Kenya H.E Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Salman together with his Sudanese counterpart H.E Kamal Gubar have praised the County Government of Lamu, the National Government and LAPSSET for improving relations between Kenya and foreign countries pointing out that Lamu Port is on an upward trajectory towards being the gateway to the global world.

Speaking after taking the envoys in an inspection tour of the Lamu Port, Lamu County Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua said the County Government of Lamu under the leadership of H.E Governor Issa Timamy H.S.C has put necessary measures to enhance efficiency at the Port of Lamu to make it more productive and competitive in the global maritime world.

On his part H.E Kamal Gubar noted that his country is committed to work with Kenya to enable the port of Lamu to continue playing it’s critical role in the economic development of the region and further called for closer collaboration between relevant state agencies and other maritime stakeholders to achieve full operationalization of the port.

On his part, the Saudi envoy underscored that his country will be seeking to bring on board investors to tap into export opportunities from through the port Lamu since the facility has proven to be more attractive with enhanced efficient and guaranteed cargo freight services to importers and exporters.

Lamu Port Regional Manager Mr.Salim Bunu ,thanked the Ambassadors for sparing time to visit the LAPSSET Project as that shows confidence to the project. Bunu called upon investors to consider doing business in Lamu and invest in the Proposed Lamu Special Economic Zone and further underscored on the ongoing livestock export to Oman as a watershed moment for livestock farmers.

He further lauded the County Government’s efforts towards wooing investors through creating economic zones saying they will increase in job opportunities and revenue both for the country and the county.

The Ambassadors are in Lamu for an official visit and they will join Oman Ambassador to Kenya and Lamu Governor who is so the A.N.C party leader H.E Issa Timamy in gracing the official opening of the newly renovated Lamu Museum


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