County Government of Lamu

County Government of Lamu To Construct A Modern Market In Kizingitini

County Government of Lamu is set to commence the construction of a modern market in Kizingitini that will spur economic growth in the region.

Speaking while inspecting the proposed site on Thursday, Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW announced that the market will host over 80 traders and will be used by fresh produce, cereals and fish traders.

“We are going to fast track the exercise and I urge those responsible for this project to move with speed so that we complete it as soon as possible and unlock the potential for this region” said the Governor.

The Governor who is in Kizingitini to inspect government projects, expressed optimism that the establishment of the market will provide a long lasting solution to the traders who have been operating under difficult conditions.

“This initiative will be advantageous to our people; my Administration remains committed to construct more markets and also fully operationalize and utilize the existing ones, so as to link our traders to market opportunities” he added.

The components of the market include;

  1. Work tops for traders
    2.Ablution block
  2. Office Block Market office, Revenue Office
  3. ICT Hub room
  4. Waste Disposal area
  5. Borehole
    7.Perimeter fence and gates
  6. Road access paving- approximately 100M

During the site visit, the Governor was accompanied by Trade CECM Hon. Aisha Miraj, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Chief Officer Md. Joyce Murimi among others.


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Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timmay has this morning commissioned the renovation of Kizingitini ECDE center and also spearheaded the distribution of free learning materials to the ECDE center.

The materials will go a long way towards entrenching a holistic development approach in our learning institutions.

Speaking during the event Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy underscored the importance of early childhood education adding that they are the base to nurture a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing.

“My administration will remain committed to support and equip our ECDE centers that will enable our beloved children to acquire learning abilities and the required social development” said Governor Timamy.

CECM Education Hon. Sebastian Owanga thanked H.E Governor Timamy for demonstrating his goodwill towards investing in ECDE noting that they have strong dividends to individuals, communities, and national economies through improved livelihoods.


For more information contactLamu County Government Communications Office at;


County Government of Lamu has officially handed over Kizingitini boat construction yard to locals, a move that will enable them manage the yard and use it for boat construction and repairs.

The handing over ceremony was graced by H.E Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW who was accompanied by Fisheries CECM Hon. Faiz Fankupi, Trade CECM Hon. Aisha Miraj and Education CECM Hon. Sebastian Owanga.This is a relief to the boat operators since they will have a formal centralised place for their day to day operations.


For more information contact communications office at;

Mstahiki Gavana Issa Timamy amezindua rasmi mpango wa kadi ya bima ya matibabu NHIF kwa familia elfu 20 kwa wakaazi wa kaunti ya Lamu.

Bima hiyo ya kupokea matibabu bila malipo inagharamiwa na serekali ya kaunti ya Lamu.

Akihutubia katika hafla hiyo, Timamy amesema ikifikia mwaka ujao wa kifedha ataongeza idadi ya familia watakaofaidi na mpango huo hadi elfu 25.

Kadi hiyo ya bima ya NHIF inasimamia mzee wa boma, mke na watoto wake.

Aidha, Gavana Timamy amezindua upya kitengo cha huduma za dharura kitakachokabiliana na majanga pamoja usafirishaji wa wagonjwa ili kupata matibabu ya ziada.

Kitengo hicho kimepigwa jeki baada ya magari ya kubeba wagonjwa yaliyoharibika kwa mda mrefu kutengenezwa.

Mpango huo, unajumuisha wauuguzi na madereva ambao wamepokea mafunzo ya kukabiliana na majanga.


Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia borderlands officials on Wednesday paid a courtesy call on Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW to discuss the implementation of key priority areas under the project.

The Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia borderlands project known as ‘Deris Wanaag’ Programme which translates to ‘Good Neighbourliness’, aims to find lasting solutions to the perennial insecurity and instability in the Horn of Africa nations, in an effort to open up the borders of the three countries, as well as address societal issues.


For more information contact communications office at;


Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW on Wednesday flagged off Lamu County talenta hela under 19 team for inter-county championships that will be played at Shanzu Teachers College.

Speaking during the event at Mokowe Headquarters, the Governor reiterated his government’s unwavering support and confidence in the team’s abilities. He further assured the team, of the government’s total support and requested them to deliver an outstanding performance for Lamu.

The county team is put in pool B comprising of Mombasa, Kwale and Lamu while pool A has Taita Taveta, Tana River and Kilifi counties respectively.


For more information contact communications office at;

Mstahiki Gavana Issa Timamy akutana na Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya wakurugenzi wa Shirika la Usambazaji wa Umeme vijijini na nishati mbadala, Bw. Godfrey Lemiso na kujadili njia za ushirikiano ili kuimarisha na kupeana huduma bora kwa wananchi.

Miongoni mwa waliojadili ni pamoja na:-

– Kukwamua changamoto kutoka kwa mradi wa kusambaza umeme huko Manda.

Kuweka umeme wa kutumia paneli za jua katika maeneo ya Mkokoni, Kiwayuu na Ndau.

– Ushirikiano wa gharama ya pamoja kati ya serekali ya kaunti ya Lamu na Shirika la Usambazaji wa Umeme vijijini na Nishati mbadala.

#10YearsDevolution #PresentandTheFuture

Lamu County magnificent booth set-up and exhibitions have stood out in the ongoing 10th Devolution Conference, earning accolades from peers and development partners during the three day event that has brought together all the 47 counties and other key stakeholders among them, the National Government.

Speaking while inspectiong Lamu booth, the County Governor and ANC party Leader H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW congratulated his staff for the effort put towards exhibiting Lamu’s culture and capturing the county’s comparative and competitive advantages towards wooing investors in Lamu.

During the three day fete, Lamu County delegation is led by H.E Governor Timamy alongside Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua. They are accompanied by County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, County Executives, Chief of Staff, Chief Officers, Members of the County Assembly and technical officers from across all departments.

This year’s conference Theme is, ’10 Years of Devolution: The Present and the Future.’

Sub Theme: Driving Transformation from the Local Level County Governments as the Centre of Economic Developments.


For more information contact communications office at;

Lamu County Governor H.E Issa Timamy at the ongoing Devolution Conference in Uasin Ngishu County, Eldoret.

The Governor who is also the Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chair, articulated on how Lamu is strategically placed when it comes to sustainable utilization of its blue economy resources with the presence of Lappsset project as well as vast Indian Ocean resource.

Kiongozi wa chama cha ANC ambaye pia ni Gavana wa Lamu Issa Timamy EGH, OGW ameandamana na Waziri Mkuu Musalia Mudavadi kukutana na kusalimiana na wenyeji wa Majengo na Mbale, Kakamega.

Gavana Timamy ameshuhudia mashindano ya wanawake Waislamu ya Qur’an na kwa sasa yupo uwanjani Bukhungu kushuhudia fainali ya michezo ya shule za sekondari.

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