County Government of Lamu

PHONE: 0715 555111


P.O BOX 74 - 80502

Newly Appointed Chairman of the LAPSSET Board of Directors Hon. Ali Mbogo Pays Governor Timamy a Courtesy Call

The newly appointed Chairman of the LAPSSET board of Directors Hon. Ali Mbogo has today paid a courtesy on Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W in his office at Mokowe County Headquarters.

They both agreed on the need to market Lamu port as the port of choice in the region and importantly forge towards connecting the landlocked East African economies to global trade routes.

Governor Timamy also emphasized on the importance of actualization of the proposed Lamu Special Economic Zone saying that it will stimulate entrepreneurship, drive investments and spur growth in the county and country.

Hon. Mbogo thanked the Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chair for his commitment towards ensuring Lamu port opportunities are tapped into and in turn boost Kenya’s status as a transport and logistics hub create employment, get export commodities for Lamu port to have a balance of trade and make Lamu Port an import and export hub.

The two also delved into setting up a technical committee from both LAPSSET and Lamu county Government to plan together the Lamu Special Economic Zone.

Special Economic Zones have been integrated into Kenya’s long-term development blueprint Vision 2030 that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrialized, middle-income country by2030.

Among key strategies prioritized in the blue print include;

1. Creating jobs in manufacturing.

2. Reducing the regulatory burden on manufacturing

3. Raising investment in the manufacturing sector.

4. Enabling Country’s industrial Competitiveness.

LAPSSET board of Directors Chair Hon. Ali Mbogo was accompanied by LAPSSET Regional Manager Mr. Salim Bunu.


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Lamu County Communications Office

Governor Timamy Presides Over the Distribution of 20 Tonnes of Free Certified Seeds in Bahari Ward

Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy has today spearheaded the free certified seeds distribution exercise in Bahari Ward in an effort meant to boost the County’s long-term quest to achieve Food Security and Nutrition pillar that aims at making Lamu food sufficient.

Speaking while launching the exercise at Agricultural Training Center in Mpeketoni, the Governor said the County procured 20 tonnes of certified maize seeds that will be distributed to 2,500 households across the ward to address the issue of food security.

The governor also insisted on the need for farmers to register as they collect their seeds since that will help the county to ensure even and fair distribution and also enable formulation of a database that would enable future planning, targeted distribution, farmers mapping among others.

The Governor further encouraged farmers to join small holder groups noting that it’s the only way they can qualify for grants under development partners such as KSCAP and others since it’s a step to boost food production and mitigate food insecurity during drought.

This season, the County Government of Lamu will be distributing 105.6 tonnes of Haraka and Ph4 certified seeds to 13,200 households. The county will also be distributing green gram, cowpeas and sorghum with an objective of improving food security and empowering the great people of Lamu economically.

Today, the exercise targeted ATC, Hongwe and Tewe areas where over 1,700 received free certified seeds.

The Governor was flanked by CEC Member for Agriculture, Hon. James Gichu, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Food Security Director Mr. James Njoroge among other officials.


For more information contact

Lamu County Communications Office

This morning, Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua represented Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W at the NEDI (North and North Eastern Development) Leadership Consultative Forum at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi that was Chaired by H.E. Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua.

NEDI, is an Initiative that seeks to accelerate development programmes in Northern Kenya and is coordinated by Deputy President’s office and with the support of the World Bank.

D.P Gachagua noted that for a long time, this region has received minimal development support, and this intervention by the World Bank will go a long way to enhance the gains that have been made by the government, development partners and communities in the areas. He also emphasized that the leadership promise of the Kenya Kwanza Administration under H.E President William Samoei Ruto remains steadfast on the course to create a gateway for social equity for all Kenyans.


Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W is currently in Lamu West Sub-County spearheading free seed distribution in Hongwe Ward.

Over 13,100 smallholder farmers from Hongwe Ward are ecstatic following the start of rains and the County Government’s timely intervention to supply them with certified maize seeds, green gram seeds, cow peas seeds , sorghum seeds, nerica rice seeds, BT cotton seeds and cashew nut planting seeds.

Despite rising fuel prices, Governor Issa Timamy’s administration is offering subsidized tractor services for only Ksh 1,800 per acre with agricultural extension officers who will be helping farmers in their decision-making and ensuring that appropriate knowledge is implemented to obtain the best results with regard to sustainable production and general rural development.

“We procured the seeds to ensure that we give our farmers quality seeds. The seeds are early maturing, tolerant to diseases and high yielding. Our main objective is to improve food security and empower our people economically,” Governor Timamy said.

The County Chief, who was accompanied by his Deputy H.E Raphael Munywa said Lamu County farmers will also receive extension services offering them technical advice and training to maximise production.

The Governor was accompanied by CECM Agriculture, Hon. James Gichu, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Hongwe MCA Hon. John Mburu, Nominated MCA Hon. Aisha Abdulrahman, Hongwe Ward Administrator among others.


For more information contact

Lamu County Communications Office


Three self help groups from Mkunumbi ward have today received two fibre boats, outboard engines and canoes under the ongoing multifaceted social protection program that’s being undertaken by the Lamu County Government in collaboration with Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), that aims to improve fish value chain.

The over 100 fisher group members from Mkunumbi will now have alternative ways to address climate change-related risks, and food security.

Addressing the fisher group members during the flag off exercise at Ndambwe, H.E Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W said the initiative will go a long way in enhancing food security and rural poverty eradication through improved disposable income to smallholder fisher households. He further promised fisher groups that his government remains committed towards supporting them to realize their potential.

He further noted that the undertaking is in line with Lamu County Government policies and KCSAP’s objectives noting that County Government will continue to encourage collaboration with like minded development partners that help to push Lamu’s development agenda.

The three groups that benefited include;

1. Utendakazi self group – 3 fibre canoes.

2. Utalii self group – one fibre boat and an outboard engine.

3. Lamu fishermen dealers organization- one fibre boat and an outboard engine.

The Governor was accompanied by Agriculture CEC Member Hon. Jimmy Gichu, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa among others.


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Gavana Issa Timamy azindua rasmi utowaji wa mbegu kwa wakulima katika wadi ya Faza

Serekali ya Kaunti ya Lamu kupitia Idara ya Kilimo hii leo imeanzisha rasmi zoezi la kupeana mbegu kwa wakulima wote walioko katika wadi ya Faza kwa ajili ya upanzi mbele ya msimu wa mvua inayotarajiwa kunyesha.

Wakulima 1300 kutoka barani na visiwani wadi ya Faza wamelengwa kupokea tani 14 za mbegu zikiwemo zile za mahindi, pojo, kunde, mchele na mtama.

Akizundua rasmi zoezi hilo huko Faza, Gavana Issa Timamy akiwa ameandamana na Naibu wake Raphael Munywa, amewaahidi wakulima kuwa baada ya wiki mbili hivi boti iliyokuwa ikisafirisha wakulima na mazao yao hadi barani itaregelea shughuli zake.

“Hii boti malengo yake ilikuwa ni kusafirisha wakulima hadi barani lakini imeharibiwa na inakarabatiwa na baada ya wiki mbili au tatu itakuwa tayari na nimeagiza irudishwe huku” Gavana alihakikishia wakulima.

Aidha, Timamy ametoa wito kwa kulima kupanda mbegu na kutojaribu kuzitumia kama chakula.

Shughuli hiyo ya utowaji wa mbegu kwa wakulima itaendela katika wadi zote za Kaunti ya Lamu.

Waliohudhuria ni pamoja na katibu mkuu wa kaunti Balozi Ali Abbas, Afisa mkuu wa wafanyikazi Abdulnasir M Issa, waziri wa Kilimo James Gichu, Mwakilishi wa wadi ya Faza Mohamed Aboud miongoni mwa wengine.


Kwa habari zaidi wasiliana nasi kupitia afisi ya mawasiliano kutumia;


Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has this afternoon made an impromptu visit at King Fahd Hospital to check the functionality of Government structures and equipment towards ensuring there’s quality service delivery to the residents.

The Governor who was was accompanied by His Deputy H.E Raphael Munyua, Safaricom Foundation Chairman Mr. Joe Ogutu, CEC Member for Health Hon. Dr. Mbarak Bahajaj among other top county officials, noted that the facility has been doing well in terms of the provision of the quality healthcare.

“I have done my inspection tour of the facility and I can report that staff’s shortage at the facility is now an issue of the past. I’m also glad to let the great people of Lamu know that after the inspection, I noticed the deficit in the commodities that traditionally derailed provision of healthcare services had been adressed and my government will remain steadfast towards ensuring Mwananchi gets effective service delivery” stated Governor Timamy.

He further added that his impromptu visit was meant to familiarize with the facility operations.


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County Government of Lamu will continue strengthening County Health structures through working with development partners to guarantee effective improvements in health care delivery and socioeconomic development.

The commitment was made today by H.E Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W when he was receiving a brief on the implementation of Afya Uzazi Salama project and Daktari Smart programme which is being implemented by Lamu County Government, Safaricom Foundation and the Getrude’s Hospital Foundation.

Afya Uzazi Salama project is being implemented in support of Safaricom Foundation and has seen construction, upgrading and equipping of health facilities, training of health workers and volunteers among others.

Daktari Smart uses telemedicine technology to link and provide treatment to children in hard-to-reach areas. The project aims to reduce the number of referrals of sick children by allowing county health facilities to have access to specialists for free at Mpeketoni sub county hospital.

The partnership has seen a tremendous improved access to maternal, new born and child health services through infrastructure improvement, referral system, capacity building of healthcare workers, reviving community health units and capacity building of community health volunteers in Lamu County.

During the presentation, the Governor, Safaricom Foundation Chairman and Getrude’s Hospital were taken through the milestones of Afya Uzazi Salama programme that has achieved an increase in utilization of maternity services, training of Community Health Volunteers among others.

Governor Timamy who was accompanied by his Deputy H.E Raphael Munyua lauded Safaricom Foundation and the Getrude’s Hospital for their partnership that has contributed to a significant decrease in maternal and newborn health morbidity and mortality rates.

Safaricom Foundation Chairman Mr. Joe Ogutu thanked the County Government of Lamu for having ensured the programmes are being implemented as envisioned. He also committed to ensure they will continue funding the projects as part of strengthening healthcare infrastructure.

In attendance was Safaricom Limited Regional Business Lead for the Coast Region Mr. Jackson Mutua, Getrude’s Foundation Manager Ms.Carol Waweru, Health CEC Member Hon. Dr. Mbarak Bahajaj, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Health Chief Officer Mr. Victor Tole, Director Health Dr. Abubakar Baasba, Medical Doctors, Safaricom team among others.


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Lamu County is on the verge of digitization of it’s revenue collecting sytem to enhance collection.

Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has underscored the innovative use of Information Communication Technology would contribute to effective management of revenue collection while at the same time seal revenue leakages and address other gaps in the devolved unit.

Speaking during a presentation of the revenue digital system at Mokowe Headquarters by Cooperative Bank on Wednesday, the A.N.C Party leader noted that digitization of financial services will enhance transparency, accountability and facilitate easy monitoring and management of funds.

The system will allow the client to initiate the payment using a special USSD code and will also have wireless point of sale (POS) gadgets operated by revenue officers. These gadgets will have the ability to generate instant receipts for clients on payment for services like cess, business permits, hospital bills, land rates among others.

The Governor pointed out that automation of services will increase efficiency as more clients will be able to access services without necessarily going to government premises.

“Introduction of a cashless system will enhance accountability in revenue collection and minimize cases of corruption that costs the county millions of shillings every year” Governor Timamy stated.

The system is set to be launched before June this year.

In attendance was CEC Members, County Secretary Mr. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Chief Officers, Director’s, Cooperative Bank team, among others.


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In partnership with the Safaricom Foundation, Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has commissioned a new Maternity wing at Mpeketoni Sub County Hospital that will address maternal and newborn health emergencies.

The modern fully equipped 32 bed capacity Maternity wing which had stalled four years ago, comprises of a Newborn Unit and maternity theatre is now among the best maternity wings in the coast region.

In his speech, Governor Timamy thanked Safaricom Foundation for their partnership with Lamu County in providing and strengthening healthcare infrastructure. He further observed that the maternity wing will address maternal and newborn health emergencies and improve the quality of prenatal and postnatal care.

“With the opening of the facility no mother should lose their child or their life during delivery, every baby should be saved. The maternity wing will play a critical role in strengthening primary healthcare with a focus on enabling quality access to maternal health to fulfill the third Sustainable Development Goals” Governor Timamy said.

Safaricom Foundation Chairman Mr. Joe Ogutu thanked Governor Timamy for his collaboration and commitment to ensure the facility which had stalled four years ago is completed and added that the maternity wing will ensure effective and quality health services to targeted people.

Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua noted that Lamu County was grateful to Safaricom Foundation for equipping the maternity wing that will save the lives of women and children and further encouraged expectant mothers to be visiting the facility.

The Safaricom Foundation equipped the maternity wing with Lamu County equipping the theatre and the new born unit.

Health CECM Hon. Dr. Mbarak Mohamed said the one stop maternity wing has a delivery room, a theatre, post and antenatal wards, a newborn unit, a high dependency unit, consultation rooms and a reception that will scale up reducing maternal and neonatal deaths.

In attendance was Safaricom Limited Regional Business Lead for the Coast region Mr. Jackson Mutua, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Health Chief Officer Mr. Victor Tole, Director Health Dr. Abubakar Baasba, Medical Doctors, Hongwe Ward MCA Hon. John Mburu, Safaricom team among others.


For more information contact:

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