County Government of Lamu


Lamu County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing board has today held a sensitisation forum with Lamu West Subcounty bar owners on licensing, regulation and issues affecting the liquor industry for a safer and dignified county.

While making his remarks, Lamu Deputy Governor Raphael Munyua indicated that Governor Issa Timamy administration was committed to ensuring that there’s a good working relationship between the county and traders.

He further thanked bar owners for their willingness to comply with the law noting that alcoholic drinks consumers cannot be guaranteed their safety if outlets are not regulated.

“Most of the unlicensed premises contribute greatly to the proliferation of illicit and counterfeit alcoholic drinks and that’s what we want to regulate” noted the DG.

Alcoholic Drinks and Licensing board Chair Mr. Kasim Athman assured traders that the board was keen to ensure bars are regulated to enable them to operate in a dignified manner, provide a conducive environment for the businesses as well as protect people in residential areas.

Alcoholic Drinks and Licensing Director Mr. Khamis Kaviha added that the licensing and regulation will guard against the selling of illicit and counterfeit brews and protect people from consumption of the substandard alcoholic brands that subject our people to health hazards.

Bar owners who have until 1st April 2024 to comply, lauded the County Government initiative in organising the sensitisation forum and commited to comply and protect the sector that employs thousands of people in the county.

The forum is being attended by bar operators from Lamu West Sub-County and is being chaired by Deputy Governor Raphael Munyua and is coordinated by the Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Committee led by the Board Chair Mr. Kasim Athman, Director Mr. Khamisi Kaviha and committee members.

Also in attendance were officers from the Department of Public Health, Ward Administrators, NEMA, Provincial Administration led by the DCC among others.


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Lamu Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW attending 2nd retreat for COG executive, Chairs of Committees and members of the National Executive led by H.E President William Samoei Ruto.

During the retreat the members will review the performance and take stock of the achievements made in 2023 and address challenges faced.


A total of 180 students from Lamu Central are happy after the County Government of Lamu awarded them with scholarships worth Sh. 3.9 million.

Speaking at Lamu Girls’ during the official launch of scholarship disbursement cheques where all heads of secondary schools from Lamu Central were invited, Lamu Governor H.E., Issa Timamy EGH, OGW said students who were needy would benefit immensely from the funds by being able to remain in school uninterrupted.

“This life transforming initiative is part of my education agenda. Today we have collectively distributed over Sh. 7 million in Lamu West and Sh. 3.9 million in Lamu central thus contributing a lot to the social development of our County,” reiterated the ANC Party leader.

The Council of Governors Blue Economy Chair further noted that his administration had already disbursed scholarships to Lamu East Sub-County and expressed his commitment towards supporting the education sector across the county since it’s the only way the Government can change the lives of our children and support the dreams of bright but needy students from Lamu. The Governor further committed to the school that he would be reaching out to partners to ensure they help Lamu Girls achieve its key infrastructure developments.

Presently, County Government of Lamu under the stewardship of Governor Timamy is sponsoring 965 students under the scholarship program.

During the disbursement of funds ceremony, the Governor was accompanied by his Deputy H.E Raphael Munyua, CECMs led by Hon. Sebastian Owanga, CoS Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Chief Officers among others.


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Wizara ya Elimu hii leo, imeandaa warsha ya kuhamasisha vijana ili kujiunga na Chuo cha Kiufundi cha Kizingitini kwa taaluma mbalimbali.

Warsha hii, imefanyika Katika Ukumbi wa Kijamii Wa Pate iliyowaleta pamoja vijana wa Mtangawanda, Pate,Siu,Shangarubu na Shangaishakani,huku warsha iliofanyika Katika Ukumbi wa Kijamii Wa Rasini ikijumuisha vijana wa Tchundwa,Mbwajumwali,Myabogi,Kizingitini na Rasini.

Akizungumza na vijana hao ambao wengi wamekamilisha masomo ya sekondari , Waziri wa Elimu Sebastian Owanga,amewataka vijana kutumia fursa ya kujipatia ujuzi wa kazi za mkono kwenye Chuo hicho cha Kizingitini, kwa kuwa serekali ya mstahiki Gavana Issa Timamy inagharamikia masomo hayo kwa ujumla.

Mafunzo yanayotolewa ni pamoja na ufundi umeme,seremala,ususi na urembo ,ufundi cherehani na ufundi mfereji.

Vijana kadhaa walitumia fursa hiyo na kujisajili baada ya kukamilika kwa warsha hizo huku usajili ukiendelea.

Waliohudhuria warsha hiyo ni pamoja na Afisa mkuu wa Elimu Bi.Afswa Difini, Afisa mratibu wa vijana Mohamed Kassim,Afisa Wa michezo Peter Ndichu miongoni mwa maafisa wengine.


Lamu Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has noted lack of professional career guidance as the primary factor contributing to the low transition rates of secondary school students into higher learning institutions.

Speaking during a career talk that was organized for form four leavers and form four students by the County Government of Lamu in partnership with Lamu County Public Service and Mombasa Technical Training Institute, Governor Timamy said lack of advising and mentoring our children is also to blame for the skills deficiency currently being witnessed in the country’s labour market, where there is a mismatch between the skills that employers are looking for and the training and experience that school leavers possess.

“Many young people in Kenya enter the labour market without adequate skills mainly because they were not exposed to proper and professional career guidance from the primary school to university level” added Governor Timamy.

Towards improvement of education infrastructure across the county, Governor Timamy commited to build dormitories in Lamu Girls and Mpeketoni girls, build a library at Mpeketoni boys and offer free revision materials worth Sh. 100,000 across all public secondary schools.

Numerous County Governments in Kenya are paving the way for academic and leadership excellence by offering scholarships to exceptional students who not only shine academically and face financial need but also demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities within their school communities.

The Governor further noted that his administration will continue paving way for academic excellence by offering scholarships to bright and needy students.

In attendance was Lamu County Public Service Board Chair Hon. Abdalla Fadhil, Education CECM Hon. Sebastian Owanga, Health CECM Hon. Dr. Mbarak Bahjaj, CoS Mr. Abdulnasir Issa among others.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW on Saturday presided over county wide prize-giving day that was held at Lamu Boys Primary School (Mohamed Bin Fadhil and Mohamed) in Mkomani Ward, Lamu Island.

Governor Timamy awarded prizes to students who recorded a mean grade of B+ and above in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in 2023 as well as teachers of the leading subjects in KCSE 2023.

The Governor encouraged students to work hard on their studies and aspire to be responsible citizens in a colourful event where 8 students who scored B+ and above were awarded.

Governor Timamy reiterated Lamu County Government’s commitment to ensure access to education for all, saying that the County Government of Lamu will continue giving scholarships and bursaries to all top performers and deserving students across the county.

“My administration has pledged to pay Kenya shillings forty thousands, Ksh 40,000/= in form of scholarship per learner identified through the rigorous but consultative process. Presently, my government has already disbursed scholarships to all form two, three and four continuing students and we will soon be disbursing form one scholarships” said ANC Party Leader and further denoted that the scholarship program had proven to be a great catalyst towards helping to improve the general performance of the whole County.

The Governor was accompanied by his Deputy Raphael Munyua, CECM Education Hon. Sebastian Owanga, CECM Health Hon. Dr. Mbarak Bahjaj, CECM Finance Hon. Mohamed Mbwana, Mkomani MCA Hon. Shekhuna, nominated MCA Hon. Medo among others.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at

HE Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has today paid a courtesy call on H. E. Arnaud Suquet, Ambassador of France to Kenya at his residence in Nairobi.

The duo discussed areas of cooperation between France and Lamu County which included water, health, ICT, Youth and women empowerment and culture.

The Governor was accompanied by County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas.

HE Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has today paid a courtesy call on H. E. Arnaud Suquet, Ambassador of France to Kenya at his residence in Nairobi.

The duo discussed areas of cooperation between France and Lamu County which included water, health, ICT, Youth and women empowerment and culture.

The Governor was accompanied by County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas.

Lamu Governor Issa Timamy on Wednesday held a consultative meeting with USAID KUZA Chief of Party Mr. Wyane Bright to discuss areas of mutual interest between USAID KUZA and the County Government of Lamu.

The ANC Party Leader and Council of Governors Blue Economy Committee Chair, was accompanied by County Government of Lamu County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas.

HE Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW on Wednesday held a fruitful meeting with Dr. Shaheen Nilofer,Country Director of UNICEF in Kenya to discuss on areas of possible collaboration with Lamu County.

The meeting which was held in Nairobi delved on various cross cutting issues on health, wash programs, issues of vulnerable and marginalised children.

UNICEF has been supporting Lamu county through the Department of Sanitation in prepositioning and distribution of critical UNICEF supplies to support WASH, Health and Nutrition life saving response.

They also agreed to strengthen their collaboration for the benefit of Lamu residents.

Governor Timamy was accompanied by County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas.

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