Over 3,000 residents of Lake Amu, Ocean View (Witemere ya Juu), Baharini town and Tewe Chiefs office area in Bahari ward are currently receiving relief food to cushion them against the prevailing drought .
The countywide exercise that was launched last month by HE Governor Fahim Twaha aims to distribute over 400 tonnes of foodstuff to over 32,000 vulnerable households across all the ten wards within Lamu.
Speaking at Lake Amu, Governor Fahim expressed his commitment to ensure food security for all Lamu residents through his administration’s program to support small holder farmers who were dealt a big blow by the ravaging drought registering little to no harvest last season . The county has procured 10 new fully loaded tractors in addition to the existing nine to help open up more land for Agriculture through the subsidized mechanization of farms program .
Lamu, just like other 12 Arid and Semi Arid Counties did not receive adequate rainfall during the last October – November-December 2020 short rains and the March-April-May 2021 long rains. Both seasons were characterized by late onsets, below average quantities, and poor distribution both in time and space.
In the recent past the County has stepped up distribution of relief animal feeds as well as water tracking services using water bowsers in villages facing acute water shortage to ensure uninterrupted supply of water to affected residents, livestock and even wildlife watering areas .
According to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) drought bulletin for July 2021, the other twelve (12) counties on a high alert drought phase include Marsabit, Mandera, Garissa, Wajir, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu, Samburu, Kitui, Isiolo and Laikipia .
The Governor was accompanied by CECM Trade Hon. Josphat Musembi, CECM Education Hon. Paul Thairu HSC, CECM Public Service Management and Administration Hon. Godana Abdu, Chief of Staff Mohamed Bute among other staffs.
Story by: Samuel Mkare
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Lamu Communications office at info@lamu.go.ke