County Government of Lamu

Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy, has this morning commissioned the Mkunumbi cabro paving.

The Governor is in Mkunumbi to inspect and launch county government projects and was accompanied by all CECM members, Chief Officers, Chief of Staff among others.


H.E Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has officially launched the County Government of Lamu profiling and mapping of farmers, agro-input suppliers and grain stockists at Lake Kenyatta Agricultural Training Center (ATC)

The exercise which will be undertaken in the next 30 days is geared towards enabling the County Government to know household based farmers, design interventions that support them, develop appropriate advisory services and implement County Government pledges.

Speaking during the launch on Thursday afternoon at ATC, Governor Timamy said the database will capture the total number of farmers with their geographical distribution and enable the County to develop appropriate policies as well as other development interventions and support.

“This initiative is key in planning for all government projects and programmes such as farm inputs and going foward the department of Agriculture shall be able to plan adequately since we will know the exact number of farmers and their needs. I also urge data collectors to provide accurate information regarding the profile of farmers” stated Governor Timamy.

The data will be collected through ODK collect platform and KIAMIS (Kenya Integrated Agricultural Management Information System) an integrated web platform developed to support the registration of farmers in the different agricultural value chains.

In attendance was Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua, Agriculture CECM Hon. James Gichu, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, County Project Coordinator Mr. Stephen Mbuvi, Agriculture Director Mr. James Njoroge among others.


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Lamu Port & The County Seeks To Attract More Investment At The Sea Port

LAPSSET Board Chair, Hon. Ali Menza Mbogo together with a delegation from LAPSSET has this morning paid a courtesy call on H.E Governor Issa Timmay EGH, OGW to discuss on areas of cooperation and partnership towards realization of the LAPSSET corridor projects in the County.

Among key issues discussed included the cargo evacuation route from Lamu to Moyale and the success story of the arrival of the World Food Programme consignment that was brought by MV Swan from Djibouti which has made the port viable to distribute food aid to Ethiopia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other East and Central African regions.

Governor Timamy lauded the Lamu port management for having been aptly able to achieve great milestone of a seamless cargo evacuation from the port of Lamu and subsequent transportation through the LAPSSET corridor.

“This is an indication that the grandiose Port of Lamu port is fully open for and will catapult Lamu and Kenya into the league of key global transshipment and commercial maritime hubs” Stated Governor Timamy.

Other issues discussed included partnerships and collaborations, harmonizing of planning documents as well as planning on the possibility of holding a major investment conference between LAPSSET and the County Givernment of Lamu.

LAPSSET remains to be a crucial Kenya Vision 2030 flagship project and is expected to transform regional economies through increased trade, integration and inter-connectivity spanning South Sudan and landlocked Ethiopia.

In attendance was Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat Director General Mr. Kenneth Mwige, LAPSSET Director General, Mr. Stephen Ikua, Lapsset Regional Manager Mr. Salim Bunu among others.


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Lamu Governor, H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has this evening joined CS for Blue Economy Hon. Salim Mvurya, PS Shadrack Mwadime and Netherlands Deputy Ambassador Joris Van Bommel to discuss on how Coastal Counties can tap into blue economy resources to transform the lives of Kenyans.

Speaking in Mombasa during the Dutch Trade Mission themed Blue Economy, Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chair H.E Issa Timamy, emphasized on his commitment towards ensuring blue economy plays an integral role towards creating employment opportunities terming it an economic game changer for this coastal counties.

Among other key issues that were discussed unclude;

1. How to tap into blue economy to spur economic growth and produce resources such as energy and food.

2. Development of a green infrastructure in coastal counties to help preserve biodiversity.

3. Adopting innovation in blue economy without threatening our water bodies.


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Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has remained committed to ensure Mokowe Vocational Training Center is among the 6 VTCs from Lamu County that offers marketable and demand driven courses that emphatically impact the students and the community.

Towards this end building strong collaboration networks, the Center has managed to secure a tender to make school uniforms for Bahati Njema Primary school, a sign of confidence in our institutions endeavor to empower the youth with the necessary skills they require to be independent and accomplished professionals in society.

According to Education CECM Hon. Sebastian Owanga, the task is being undertaken by Fashion and Design class who have undergone rigorous training to become competent tailors /dressmakers equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes in dressmaking, tailoring, pattern drafting and garment fashion design.

Mokowe VTC led by their Principal and Instructors Ms. Mercy Ndaru has thanked the County Government of Lamu under the leadership of H.E Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW for his continued support to VTCs by waivering tuition fees and offering free learning materials.

This achievement is in line with Governor Timamy VTCs transformation agenda towards ensuring VTCs get enough free learning materials and progressive recruitment of qualified instructors which enable our trainees be adroit with hands on experience and acquire market driven courses.

Strong links between institutional leadership, teacher motivation, student well-being, teaching and learning quality together with building collaboration networks with multiple organisations are among the far-reaching reforms being implemented by Governor Timamy in the VTC reforms to ensure they remain free for young people to learn and gain the technical skills they need in today’s employment market.


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Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has today disbursed Ksh. 30,724,615 in bursaries that will benefit over 2,500 students studying within the Lamu County for boarding and day schooling within Lamu County.

The Governor disbursed the cheques today at Lamu County Headquarters when he hosted over 23 Secondary School Principals from Lamu West to deliberate on ways to improve the education standards and improve students’ performance.

The Governor committed to funding education for all deserving students who get a score of 250 or higher, as well as providing readily accessible bursaries to all boarders and dayscholars in all 10 wards across the county, without discrimination or bias.

“My Administration is dedicated to ensure 100% transition from Primary to Secondary school through the full scholarship program for outstanding students and the Bursary program for all. Currently over 2,700 students are reaping the benefits of the full scholarship program and over 2900 benefiting from bursaries.” stated Governor Timamy.

In attendance was Deputy Governor H.E Raphael Munyua, CEC Member for Education Hon. Sebastian Owanga, TSC County Director, County Director of Education, Bursary and Scholarship Board Chair among others.


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Lamu County To Launch Comprehensive Farmer’s Registration, Mapping and Profilling 2023

County Government of Lamu is set to roll out a countywide farmer’s registration, mapping and profiling 2023.

According to the Department of Agriculture, the department is currently training enumerators who will visit farmers involved in crop, livestock, tree and fish farming across the county for data collection that will be done through the KIAMIS system.

Speaking at the official opening of enumerators training at Mpeketoni ATC, CEC Member for Agriculture Hon. James Gichu underscored the importance of the excercise citing the County Government of Lamu has good intentions for farmers in Lamu, because when they access the data they are able to cater to the farmers’ needs which will improve the county’s production rate.

“According to Governor Timamy’s Agricultural development agenda, the data collected will help to improve government, ensure farmer’s have appreciated the technology, map opportunities atound them and also give directions on how to manage the agricultural sector” stated Hon. Gichu.

The registration exercise shall be done between 21st sept and 21st October 2023


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An Islamic NGO Al-Imdaad has offered to build 100 houses, 50 washrooms and a mosque for the less fortunate families from Kitumbini in Witu Ward after being requested by Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW.

Al-Imdaad Foundation, is a non-profit Islamic relief organisation dedicated to providing humanitarian services in crisis and non-crisis situations.

Speaking during the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the houses in Kitumbini village on Sunday, Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy said the houses will be allocated based on the needs of the families who cannot afford to build their own.

The Governor further thanked Al-Imdaad Foundation for choosing to uplift the lives of the poor and needy in the county and urged other organisations and governmental institutions to do the same.

According to Al-Imdaad, the 100 houses which will host 300 family members will be completed in six months and allocation shall be free and fair.

Lamu Governor also requested the NGO which has a replica project in Tana River, to consider setting up more similar projects in Lamu, once they have completed the Witu project.


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Towards giving our Vocational Training Center trainees hands on experience, creating a bond with the community, instilling self discipline and giving back to the community, Lamu and Witu VTCs have today undertaken various outreach programs at King Fahd Hospital, Witu Hospital and Witu Primary School respectively.

Trainees from Lamu VTC who are pursuing Hospitality, Electrical and Plumbing courses were at King Fahd Hospital where they put to practice their life employed courses by cooking for patients, cleaning admission wards while those undertaking electrical course took to repair and maintenance works at the hospital. Trainees also did plumbing works at the facility.

At Witu, Mechanical trainees from Witu VTC carried out routine maintenance at the Witu Health Centre stand by generator with those pursuing Fashion design and Hospitality trainees spent their day undertaking hospitality chores at the facility with their dressmaking counterparts, repairing the school uniforms for Witu Primary school pupils.

Towards achieving the far-reaching reforms in the TVET sector to churn technologists and artisans required to contribute to Kenya’s and Lamu’s industrial goals, Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy EGH, OGW has continued to encourage the youths to take advantage of the opportunities to secure foundational skills set to get employment opportunities or even self-employ.

The Department of Education has further remained committed towards increasing the number of graduates with technical expertise to mirror the national government’s ambition to reduce a skills gap that exists in building infrastructure in line with Vision 2030 development goals.


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Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Mpeketoni Vocational Training Center has made a positive impact in the society by engaging it’s trainees in different community outreach programs that seeks to give back to the community as well as give the trainees hands on experience.

On Thursday, trainees who have been pursuing different technical and entrepreneurship courses took their out reach program to Mpeketoni town where they undertook their plumbing skills in unblocking trenches which play an essential role in the drainage system, redirecting water away from the area. The trainees cleared trenches in town and the market that were cluttered and filled with solid debris causing a risk of pooling.

Dressmaking trainees took with them sewing machines to Kilimani Primary School where they repaired uniforms for all pupils’ who needed assistance with the hospitality class taking their out reach program to Mpeketoni Subdistrict hospital.

Mpeketoni VTC thanked H.E Governor Issa Timamy EGH, OGW for his continued support by ensuring his Administration has waived tuition fees, offered free learning materials as well as ensuring there’s progressive recruitment of instructors.

Today, the outreach program is being done by Lamu VTC at King Fahd Hospital and Witu VTC at Witu Hospital and Witu Primary School.


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