County Government of Lamu

Lamu Governor and the A.N.C party leader H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W joined President William Ruto at the Liwatoni Fisheries Complex Grounds in Mombasa County, at the launch of the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-economic Development (KEMFSED) community project grants to enhance livelihoods at the Coastal Region, with the first batch of Sh321 Million cheque.

Other leaders present were Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Cabinet Secretaries Salim Mvurya and Florence Bore, Governors Abdulswamad Nassir (Mombasa), Fatuma Achani (Kwale), Gideon Mung’aro (Kilifi), Dhadho Godhana (Tana River), Christine Kilalo (DG, Taita Taveta), among others.

Tomorrow, Lamu Governor Issa Timamy is expected to host President Ruto and his Deputy in Mpeketoni, Lamu County.


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Lamu Governor and the Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chairman H.E. Issa Timamy has committed to ensure Kenya Marine Fisheries Socio-Economic Project aims at promoting investment in the blue economy sector at the coast.

Speaking at Liwatoni in Mvita constituency on Friday, Governor Timamy thanked President Ruto for creating a Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs Ministry adding that it was an affirmation that he is commited in uplifting the blue economy sector.

“Lamu produces over half of the fish that’s consumed in Kenya yet we have limited resources. I would want to request the national government to consider setting up a fish port in Lamu which will in turn help us to maximize our potential” Stated Governor Timamy.

The A.N.C Party leader was speaking in Mombasa when President Ruto presided over the launch of the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-economic Development (KEMFSED) community project grants to enhance livelihoods at the Coastal Region.

Governor Timamy is expected to host the President in Mpeketoni Lamu this Sunday.


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The State Department for Correctional Services Principal Secretary Ms. Mary Muthoni Muriuki has today paid a courtesy call to Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W to discuss areas of possible collaboration.

Their talks delved on how the County Government of Lamu and the Ministry can work in synergy to strengthen their partnership with the aim of reducing crime within the community with the help of security agents. They also discussed on the viability of County Government of Lamu procuring furniture made by inmates in various rehabilitation facilities across the country.

Also in attendance was Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua and security agents.


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CPF Financial Services Ltd C.E.O Mr. Hosea Kili, has this afternoon paid a courtesy call to Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W at County Headquarters in Mokowe, Lamu County.

The main objective of the visit was to strengthen a working relation with the County Government of Lamu and also explore on possible areas of partnerships and investment opportunities.

The County Pensions Fund (CPF) has been pedestal in ensuring county employees pensions and staff welfare is looked into as well as guaranteeing it’s members’ a secure future.


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The German Embassy representative to Kenya Mr. Ralf Pfitzmeir has visited Lamu to discuss on how Lamu can provide a safe environment for the tourists that visit.

Speaking on Thursday when he paid a courtesy call on Governor Issa Timamy E.GH, O.G.W at Mokowe County headquarters, Mr. Pfitzmeir lauded the Governor Timamy’s administration efforts, towards reviving the tourism industry.

“At the backdrop of Covid 19 global effects and travel advisories to Lamu, Governor Timamy has demonstrated his commitment towards supporting Lamu’s resilient but fragile industry. My visit to Lamu is an affirmation that we are committed towards making Lamu the most preferred tourism destination for our nationals” stated Mr. Pfitzmeir.

On his part the Lamu County Governor said his administration is committed towards promoting tourism and will start a coordinated partnership between the county enforcement officers, tourist police and private sectors towards improving security that will in turn make Lamu secure for both domestic and foreign tourists. He further said the County Government of Lamu will soon install CCTV cameras along the sea front to assist in crime deterrent and monitoring activities along the sea front as part of creating a sustainable tourism industry with safety and privacy protection.

“Travel advisories dampen the tourism sector performance which is the greatest revenue earner for our UNESCO beautiful and historic island” stated the A.N.C Party Leader.

He further said his administration has already reintroduced major festivals as part of promoting domestic and foreign tourism.

Also in attendance was the County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Coast Region Tourist Police Commander Mrs. Charity Dorcas and Tourist Police Unit Mr. Evans Chea.


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Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has said the county government of Lamu is in the process of setting up a database for all qualified professionals that will be used to connect them to available job markets.

Speaking during the graduation ceremony at Mpeketoni Technical Vocational Center, where 350 students graduated with technical and life skill courses in Bahari Ward, the Lamu County boss said that those who get county tenders will first have to exhaust local available professionals before outsourcing from the county.

“Once we award you a tender, you will be required to tell us the professionals you require, and if we have them locally then you will be obliged to recruit them before you outsource” stated governor Timamy adding that the move will create job opportunities to local professionals.

Echoing the Governor’s sentiments, Education C.E.C.M Hon. Sebastian Owanga stated that his department will create a database that will enlist all professionals with their cadres to facilitate possible placements.

Bahari Ward M.C.A Hon. Francis Gokonga committed to support Governor Timamy’s administration towards unlocking Lamu’s economic potential.


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Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E G.H, O.G.W has said his administration has set aside Ksh.10m that will be used towards reclaiming the Lake Kenyatta that’s currently at the verge of extinction.

Speaking at Mpeketoni, Governor Timamy said the sanctity of a healthy Lake Kenyatta is paramount to the community and further urged those that have encroached to it’s catchment areas should vacate to save the lake that’s at the brink of extinction.

“Deforestation and human activities along the lake has over time caused a huge impact on endemic bird and animal that call the lake home. Deforestation has greatly reduced the capacity for the natural purification of water and increased the surface run-off which has further degraded the lake” said Governor Timamy.

The governor was speaking when he graced the second Mpeketoni Vocational Training Center graduation ceremony.


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Lamu County Government has commenced the issuance of scholarships to all continuing students with the aim of supporting the needy and bright students from the county to pursue their secondary school education.

Today, Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W issued scholarships worth Ksh. 4.9 M to Lamu Girls Secondary School which will cater for over 200 continuing students that are already enrolled under the scholarship program.

The A.N.C Party leader further reiterated his commitment to improve the standards of education in Lamu county and congratulated the outstanding students under the scholarship program encouraging them to work harder noting that those who will fail to get quality grades will have their scholarship withdrawn.

“As promised, my administration has kept the promise of awarding scholarships to bright and needy students. My administration will remain committed to ensure it transforms our county through education as envisioned in my education development pillar” Stated Governor Timamy.

The Governor further promised to motivate both teachers and learners for all schools that perform well as well as introducing county exams.

Education C.E.C.M Hon. Sebastian Owanga noted that the Department of Education will oversee a transparent process where only qualified students will be awarded the county scholarships.

The governor and his team also inspected the dormitories to see the challenges of congestion the school is facing.

The Governor was recieved to the school by the B.O.M Chair and the LAPSSET Regional Manager Mr. Salim Bunu together with the School Principal Madam Jamila.

In attendance was the County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of staff Abdulnasir M. Issa, Education Chief Officer Ms. Hafswa Diffin the area M.C.A among others.


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H.E The Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has this morning issued scholarship cheques worth Ksh. 8.4 million to Mpeketoni Boys secondary school in Bahari Ward.

The scholarship will benefit 375 continuing students who are currently enrolled in the County Scholarship program.

The Governor congratulated students who received their scholarships and encouraged them to work hard warning those who don’t perform will have their scholarships withdrawn.

“My administration will continue supporting the scholarship program and as part of promoting our education system we will be seeking to introduce county common exams as well as motivate best performing teachers and students” stated governor Timamy.

The Governor further promised to complete the construction of the stalled library that he had commenced during his first term and also committed to equip it once completed.

Also in attendance was Education C.E.C.M Hon. Sebastian Owanga, Chief Officer Ms. Hafswa Difini, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Bursary and Scholarship Chair Mr. Athman Amin, Bahari MCA Hon. Gakonga among others.


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Commander Operation Amani Boni (OAB) Col. Joel Tanui has today paid a courtesy call on H.E. Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W to deliberate on how best the county and the armed forces can collaborate for the benefit of mwananchi.

Lamu Governor lauded KDF for their relentless effort towards supporting the Lamu community through establishment of key infrastructure projects such as schools and dispensaries within the county noting that his administration acknowledges their positive impact to the society. He further commended them for the enormous contribution they have made in the education sector by lending a hand to the needy students and getting them placements at the armed forces schools as well as offering free transportation to school for those students who come from highly insecure areas.

Col. Tanui congratulated Governor Timamy for his unwaivering commitment towards securing Lamu and further pledged they will not cease guarding Lamu as well as assisting the community with development under social cooperated responsibility.


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