County Government of Lamu

Lamu County Governor Fahim Twaha has lauded the National Government’s drought relief initiatives launched today for vulnerable families in 23 Arid and Semi-Arid Counties.

He was speaking on the sidelines of State House, Nairobi with 22 other governors from Arid and Semi-arid counties, following President Uhuru Kenyatta’s emergency relief supplies flagging off ceremony to vulnerable families across the country.

The relief intervention is set to benefit 2.3 million Kenyans in the affected counties, and reaffirms President Kenyatta’s commitment to provide short and long-term solutions to drought by investing in community-based resilience and drought preparedness programmes.

The relief food supplies from the national government will complement Lamu County Government’s ongoing efforts to protect Lamu residents from the effects of the current drought. Following the declaration of drought as a national disaster in September 2021, Lamu County Government launched a food distribution operation which has so far covered seven out of ten wards.

Food distribution is currently ongoing in Faza ward. Seven wards have been covered thus far, but due to the prevailing dry conditions, a large majority of Lamu residents are still in desperate need of continued food assistance.

Other efforts implemented so far include water tracking to villages facing acute water shortage as well as for livestock and wildlife and distribution of relief animal feeds, among others.


Pictures Courtesy of State House

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State House Kenya


H.E. Governor Fahim Twaha today hosted a meeting with County Directors from across the country in Charge of Fisheries and Blue Economy to discuss the role and potential for County Governments in the National Blue Economy Agenda, as well as the Blue Economy Policy and Regulatory Framework.

The Blue Growth Agenda, specifically the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and employment, is being steered between counties and the national government through the CoG Blue Economy Committee, chaired by Governor Fahim Twaha.

Among the committee’s areas of focus since it’s inception in 2021 include; –

-Development of Blue Economy Policy and Regulatory Framework

-Increasing local fishermen’s capacity for deep sea fishing

– Developing fishing infrastructure in counties

-Development of fishing fleets

-Development of fish processing plants

-Development of aquaculture

Governor Fahim has reaffirmed his commitment to continue bringing key sector players together at the county and national levels to restructure long-standing legacy policies in order to generate long-term solutions for the local and national fishing sectors.

He was re-elected as Chair of the Technical Committee on Blue Economy earlier this year after serving in the position for a year.


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Gavana wa Lamu Fahim Twaha anawaalika wauzaji na wanunuzi wa mifugo kutoka county ya Lamu na nje ya Lamu kufanya biashara katika soko la Nagele, Witu jumatano hii tarehe 16/2/2022 na kila jumatano ya wiki zote zifuatazo.


Residents in Lamu County have now started using the Nagele Livestock sale yard constructed by the Lamu County government as an initiative to increase incomes. both pastoral and agro- pastoral livelihoods in the county.

The spacious modern auction market has a capacity to hold over 1,000 herds of cattle, sheep and goats and is expected to serve livestock keepers from all over the county and beyond.

Speaking during the hand over on behalf of Governor Fahim Twaha, Livestock Chief Offifer Dr. Gichohi expressed his satisfaction in the way the community has responded by bringing their livestock to the market on the very first day.

“This yard will ensure farmers will no longer have to sell their livestock at a loss. Moreover with the existence of this market, livestock traders will not have to cover long distances as far as Garsen & Garissa to sell their livestock since buyers and sellers will be converging at one point on every Wednesday of the week starting today” Said Dr. Gichohi. He further noted H.E Governor Fahim has ensured the operationalization of the market will have optimum economic impact for livestock keepers.

Nagele Livestock Market Association Chairman Mr. Khadji Khalif appreciated the County Governments inititiave to open the market as well as ensuring it has all the prerequisite infrastructure in place including security and close proximity to the grazing grounds.

Area residents lauded the County Government for operationalizing the auction market saying it will boost the economic status of communities in the area, who are largely pastoralists and rely mainly on livestock to earn a living.

Also in attendance was, Witu Ward Administrator, Financial institutions, Witu Livestock Market committee among others.



Over 3000 households in Faza ward are set to receive food aid under the County Government-sponsored food drive aimed at easing the effects of drought on Lamu residents.

The program was initiated by Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration in late 2021 in response to prolonged drought and the impacts of the global pandemic COVID-19, which affected all sectors and brought the fishing sector to a grinding halt.

“In Lamu, just like in the other 12 Arid and Semi- Arid Counties, rainy seasons have been marked by late onsets, lower-than-average amounts, and uneven distribution in both time and space. This has resulted in significant losses for our farmers, who have been reporting poor to no harvest, worsening body conditions and even livestock losses for our pastoralists, not to mention the fisheries sector, which is slowly recovering from the effects of COVID, which halted business “Mr. Mohamed Bute explained.

In the recent past the County has stepped up water tracking services using water bowsers in villages facing acute water shortages as well relief distribution of animal feeds .

The food drive has so far covered six wards and is being replicated in the remaining wards, targeting over 32,000 households across the county.

The County team, led by County Chief of Staff Mr. Mohamed Bute, Chief Officer PSMA Ms Malika Ali, and assistant Director Disaster Management, Shee Kupi, will be in Kizingitini Village on a similar mission tomorrow, Thursday, February 17th, 2021, before moving on to Chundwa, Myabogi, Mbwajumwali, and Pate, among other villages.


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Three families from Hindi ward that were affected during last month’s attack that led to deaths and destruction of properties have each received financial assistance from Lamu County to enable them start off their lives.

Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha had promised the county would give the affected families financial aid when he visited to condole with the families that were affected by the heinous acts early last month.

The cheques were presented on behalf of Governor Fahim Twaha by Chief of Staff Mr. Mohamed Bute.


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The Lamu County Government, in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA), has commenced the distribution of medical supplies worth Sh 16.6 million to 38 health facilities across the county.

The County and KEMSA have worked on a distribution operation that will ensure steady and consistent supply of drugs that will ensure 38 public health facilities are covered.

The order placed by Lamu County Government features pharmaceuticals, non-pharmaceuticals, laboratory, and renal consumables.

Lamu Governor HE Fahim Twaha has assured Lamu County residents that his administration is committed to ensure all health facilities across the county are stocked with drugs.


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Lamu County Government has today presented cheques to families who lost their next of kin in the recent terror attacks witnessed in Lamu county in early January 2022.

The eleven families, where six are from Widho, two from Juhudi and three from Hindi received Ksh. 100,000 cheques each as a way of cushioning them after the loss of their beloved ones.

The families which have been receiving relief food from Lamu County for over a month, were promised financial support by Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha when he visited them last month after the attacks that led to loss of lives, destruction of properties and displacement of persons.

The event which was held at Juhudi Primary school was presided over by CECM Health Dr. Gathoni, County Secretary Mr. John Mburu, Chief of Staff Mohamed Bute, Mkunumbi Ward MCA Hon. Paul Kimani among other officials.



Two fisher Community groups in Kiwayu and Mkokoni village in Lamu East Sub-County are a happy lot after receiving two fiber boats from the County Government of Lamu in partnership with World Bank-funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP).

The beneficiary groups are Fish value chain from Kiunga ward Community Driven Development Committees including;

1. Muungango Self Help Group from Mkokoni village which received ksh 700,000 and procured a fibre boat for fishing activities

2. Kiwayu Blue Economy Self Help Group that also received 700,000 and procured a fibre fishing boat valued at 700,000

The ongoing multifaceted social protection program aims to increase productivity while creating resilience in members and minimizing green house gas emission.

Speaking when they handed over the boats to the fisher groups on Thursday, February 10th, 2022, Chief Officer Fisheries, Mr. Abdul Fatah, said Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture support will go a long way in increasing food security and rural poverty eradication through better disposable income to households. He went on to say that the project is in line with Lamu County Government policy as well as KCSAP’s goals.

“In line with its fisheries and agricultural agenda, Lamu County Government is committed to fulfilling its KCSAP partnership mission for the benefit of its fishermen, smallholder farmers, and pastoral communities. We will set aside funds to purchase engines for these two boats, as well as ensuring that the two groups are properly equipped with fishing gear.” Mr. Abdul Fatah stated

He said that Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration has already purchased fishing gear and will soon distribute it to fishermen around the county as part of the sector’s post-COVID recovery efforts to convert fishing into a successful business. Gill nets, lines, flippers, GPS, Eco-Sounders, Deep freezers, cooler boxes, and other fishing equipment will be distributed .

Mr Steven Mbuvi, the County KSCAP coordinator, accompanied CO Abdul Fatah.


Story by: Adam Musa

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The Lamu County Government, in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA), has flagged off medical supplies worth Sh 16.6 million to be delivered to 38 health facilities across the county beginning tomorrow, February 11th, 2022.

Today, a team from the County Departments of Health and Finance led by Director Health services, Dr Abubakar Baasba, visited KEMSA Depot in Nairobi to expedite the process of increasing important pharmaceutical supplies to County health centers and dispensaries.

The Lamu County Government and KEMSA have worked on a distribution operation that will see KEMSA deliver medical supplies to the doorsteps of over 38 public health facilities around the County.

The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority has assured Lamu County of prompt services, saying all orders placed with the Authority will be processed and dispatched in less than a week. KEMSA’s customer service team tasked with handling orders from the devolved units now guarantees swift turnaround times.

The order placed by Lamu County Government features pharmaceuticals, non-pharmaceuticals, laboratory, and renal consumables.

Speaking at the County headquarters in Mokowe, CECM Health Services, Dr Anne Gathoni assured Lamu County residents of availability of drugs as well as better service delivery from the now expanded manpower following the recruitment of 11 new doctors earlier this week.

Dr. Gathoni also urged all Lamu residents who have not yet received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine to do so at the nearest health facility.

“We intend to have everyone in Lamu vaccinated to enhance immunity and resilience against the Covid-19. It is critical that we all get vaccinated and urge others to do so, as this is the only way to restore our economy to where it was before Covid-19.” Dr. Gathon said

She further revealed that through the County Public Service Board, the county department of health services plans to hire more nurses soon to further expand health manpower in Lamu.

Viola Alosa, a supply chain management assistant, Abdulrahman Abdalla, Health Administration Officer, John Mungai, Accountant, Adil Ganzel, Internal Auditor, and Patrick Mburu, Lab Technologist, were among the County team that visited KEMSA Headquarters in Nairobi.


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