County Government of Lamu

Council of Governors led by the Chair Blue economy Committee H.E Issa Timamy, on Saturday held a meeting with the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries to discuss legislative challenges in the agriculture sector & how both institutions can lobby for better funding for devolved functions.


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Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy H.S.C has today visited and consoled families that were affected by last night’s inferno that razed down 10 houses and left dozens of families displaced at Manyatta, Lake Side in Bahari Ward.

The A.N.C party leader, who was accompanied by his Deputy H.E Raphael Munyua together with nominated M.C.A Aisha Abdulrahman said the County Government of Lamu will aide the victims with food supplies as well as assist them to rebuild their lives. He further noted that the County government is set to employ disaster management officers across the county who will be addressing such calamities to prevent such losses.

The inferno was caused by a burning doum palm that spread fire to the thatched houses.

The governor’s visit comes a day after the area M.C.A visited the victims and assured them that as a legislator he is committed to work with Governor Timamy’s administration to ensure that the county establishes a functional disaster management system.


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The County Government of Lamu in partnership with World Bank-funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP), have today handed out 21 freezers and over 500 bucks and heifers to 38 interest groups in Bahari and Witu wards in a move meant to boost dairy and fish farming across the county.

Speaking during the event, Lamu County C.E.C.M Agriculture Hon. James Gichu said the smallholder livestock beneficiary groups, received the heifers, bucks and freezers following a training to equip them with skills on successful dairy and fish farming organized by the county government in partnership with KCSAP.

The C.E.C.M further assured farmers that Lamu County Government under Governor Issa Timamy H.S.C, will continue to encourage collaboration with like minded development partners that will help to push Lamu’s dairy farming development agenda.

“The County government of Lamu under the stewardship of H.E Issa Timamy will remain steadfast towards enhancing food security and rural poverty eradication through improved disposable income to smallholder agro-pastoral households” said Hon. Gichu.

Addressing the farmer group members during the distribution exercise KCSAP County Program coordinator, Steven Mbuvi, urged the groups to preserve the livestock for posterity and not seek short-term benefits.

Lamu County is among the 24 Counties earmarked to benefit from the KCSAP project that had stalled over a year ago, which is a Government of Kenya project jointly supported by the World Bank which aims to increase agricultural productivity and enhance resilience to climate change risks in select targeted smallholder farming and pastoral communities in Kenya

Today’s event was held at Bahari, and Witu wards respectively. Next week the countywide exercise will be rolled out in Faza where over 3,000 small holder dairy and poultry farmers will be targeted to benefit from the program.

In attendance were officials from Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP), State Department of Agriculture and Lamu County Government officials .


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Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) through Bandari College, will soon start offering maritime related courses in partnership with Lamu County Government at Lamu County Command Center Mokowe.

Speaking while hosting the K.M.A delegation,
Governor Timamy, who is also the Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Chair, lauded the country’s maritime regulator in its commitment into offering specialised training in Maritime Transport and Logistics (MTL)

“The establishment of a satellite college in Mokowe will ensure our youths from as far as Kiunga don’t travel outside the county to pursue maritime courses. My administration will also facilitate K.M.A towards establishment of an administration block next to our Mokowe command center” Governor Timamy said.

The A.N.C party leader further noted that the initiative to offer maritime courses is in tandem with the National Government and the Council of Governors’ vision to tap into the Blue Economy activities. The county will further support and facilitate fishermen towards training and achieving the pre requisite maritime certification.

Head of K.M.A delegation Chairman Mr. Khamis Mwaguya thanked Governor Timamy for his unrelenting effort towards ensuring youths have access to maritime training that will build a better maritime conscious nation and also foster in broadening their career opportunities.

Fisheries C.E.C.M Hon. Faiz Fankupi underscored that the courses will empower the youths who have been living below expectations due proper exposure to the maritime environment, lack of understanding of the maritime sector as well as limited funding of appropriate initiatives.


For more information contact:
Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has this afternoon visited Lamu County 2022 top K.C.P.E candidate at their home in Bahari Ward.

The Governor personally went to congratulate Ngaruiya Peter Mburu for his exemplary performance after he emerged as the top county student with 413 marks.

Ngaruiya who sat for his K.C.P.E at Lake Kenyatta Primary School thanked the Governor for having visited them and promised to do his best once he joins secondary school. He further noted that despite coming from a less privileged family he was not deterred from achieving his goals.

The Governor promised Ngaruiya that he will be enrolled under the county full scholarship program that will see the government cater for his tuition fees for the next four years. The governor also noted that he would ensure bursary funds are available for needy students.

The governor was accompanied by Education C.E.C.M Hon. Sebastian Owanga and Bahari Ward M.C.A Hon. Francis Gakonga.



Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H in company of Coast Province Regional Commissioner John Elungata and other heads of security are currently in Taa Village, near Pandanguo in Witu to access the security status and condone with the residents following a suspected Alshabab attack that left two people dead and a house torched.

The Governor has assured the residents of Witu division and Lamu West that the security agencies are already working on unraveling those behind this heinous crime. He has further appealed for calm and understanding of the people and asked the security agencies to ensure those behind the attack are made to face the full weight of the law.

R.C Mr. John Elungata, assured residents of their security saying both the military and police have put in place mechanisms to ensure the safety of those in isolated areas.

The attack is said to have been orchestrated on Sunday evening.

Also in attendance is County Commissioner Mr. Irungu Macharia, Police Commander Mr. Moses Muriithi among others.



Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, Salim Mvurya has called on Kenyans to plant more trees as a way of mitigating the effects of climate change.

Speaking in Witu where 56,000 trees will be planted in line with the Presidential directive to plant 1.5 million trees a year and 15 million trees in 10 years, C.S Mvurya emphasized the trees being planted today will benefit future generations as they will stabilize the soil and protect the county’s biodiversity.

The C.S emphasized on environmental conservation as a key pointer in providing a healthy environment, and called on the involvement of members of the community in environmental conservation.
“With Lamu enjoying a colossal forest cover and being ranked the third county with the biggest forest cover in Kenya, today’s reforestation exercise will go a long way in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change like drought and floods in Lamu county” Stated C.S Mvurya and further urged residents to conserve the trees.

Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy thanked the C.S for marking the noble day in Lamu and also urged members of the public to engage more in tree planting exercises, adding that such activities also serve to raise awareness and integrate conservation and environmental protection.
“Todays exercise on environmental conservation and the transformation focuses on the need to mitigate against climate change, with emphasis on trees and forests, which play an essential role in mitigating the impact of climate change” Governor Timamy said.
The A.N.C party leader also committed to Lamu residents that his administration would be giving farmers improved coconut and cashew-nut seedlings as part of his key pillar on empowerment of farmers and making Lamu food secure.

Towards opening up opportunities and making Lamu an economic hub, the Cabinet Secretary committed to work together with the Council of Governors Blue Economy Committee Chair, to ensure they set up a modern fish processing plant in Mokowe, operationalize all aspects LAPPSET adding that these are some of the critical economic stimulus programs for Lamu.

On his part Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua thanked the Cabinet Secretary and the Governor for launching the tree planting exercise Lamu chapter and noted that the tree planting initiative was to contribute to the conservation of the water towers and an effort to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

Also in attendance during the launch of the countywide tree planting program at Maisha Masha in Witu Ward were County Commissioner Mr. Irungu Macharia, Assistant County Commisoner, C.E.C.M’s Witu O.C.S, officials from K.W.S, N.Y.S, KEFRI, World Bank, Dedan Kimathi Foundation among others.


Serekali ya kitaifa itaharakisha mchakato wa kupatikana kwa kibali cha Baraza la Usimamizi Baharini (Marine Stewardship Council – MSC Certification) kwa wavuvi wa Kamba mawe kaunti ya Lamu.

Akiwa na mazungumzo ya kina na Gavana Issa Timamy afisini mwake mapema hii leo,Waziri wa Madini, Uchumi Samawati na Shughuli za Baharini Salim Mvuriya, amesema hatua hii itatoa nafasi ya kufikia soko la Umoja wa Ulaya ambapo Kamba hao watasafirishwa.

Aidha Waziri Mvuriya amesema, kwa usaidizi kutoka kwa serekali ya kitaifa, kaunti ya Lamu itaanzisha Chuo cha mafunzo ya Baharini kwenye kituo cha kutoa maelekezo Baharini kichoko kwa sasa.

Pia wavuvi wa ndani watafanyiwa mafunzo ya ubaharia na kupewa cheti bila ya kupitia mafunzo maalum na kutengwa fedha ili kujenga kiwanda cha Kusindika Samaki Lamu.

Nao mradi wa KEMFSED utawekeza kwa boti za wastani za uvuvi wa bahari kuu ili kuwezesha kutumia rasilimali nyingi zilizoko katika bahari ya Lamu.

Wakati huo huo, waziri Mvuriya akiwa na mwenyeji wake Gavana Issa Timamy na wakuu wengine serekalini walizuru afisi ya Kamishna wa Kaunti ya Lamu Irungu Macharia kabla ya kutembelea bandari ya Lamu.


Waziri wa Madini, Uchumi Samawati na Shughuli za Baharini Muhishimiwa Salim Mvuriya amewasili katika kaunti ya Lamu kwa ziara rasmi ya kiserekali.

Waziri Mvuriya amepokelewa na mwenyeji wake Muhishimiwa Issa Timamy ambaye pia ni mwenyekiti wa Uchumi Samawati katika baraza la magavana nchini akiwa ameongozana na wakuu mbali mbali serekalini.

Ziara yake Mvuriya itajumuisha:-

– Mpango wa kuanzisha kituo cha mafunzo ya mambo ya Baharini

– Uwasilishaji wa kuonyesha nafasi za uwekezaji zilizopo Katika kaunti ya Lamu.

– Mapendekezo ya miradi tofauti inaofaa kufanyika.

– Shughuli ya Upanzi wa miti eneo la Maisha masha ikiwa ni kutekeleza agizo la rais William Samoei Ruto.

– Mwisho –


Following the constant increase of drought in the county, the government has stepped up distribution of relief food in various wards to drought stricken families in Lamu county.

The relief food distribution program which was flagged off in Lamu County by H.E. Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, and Lamu D.C.C Mr. Charles Kitheka is an initiative of H.E. the President, Dr. William Samoei Ruto to cushion underprivileged citizens from the ravaging drought.

Today, the office of the Governor represented by Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa handed over 295 bags of relief food for distribution in Milimani, Basuba and Mangai villages. The exercise was coordinated by the Administration Deputy Director Shee Kupi.

Speaking during the flagging off exercise that was done early this month in Bargoni, Governor Timamy said the national government was working very closely with the county government in order to reach out to the 12,000 drought strikes families. Governor Timamy further committed to Lamu residents that the current relief food was a short term mitigation exercise and that his administration was working on programs that would ensure Lamu County food secure.


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