County Government of Lamu


Lamu County Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua has urged Lamu West residents to embrace the Mpeketoni Tourism and Cultural Festival for peaceful coexistence.

The annual major cultural fest hailed by cultural enthusiasts as a shining symbol of unity in diversity which ended today gave a platform to all tribes in Lamu to showcase their most culturally rich cultures and vibrant local performances.

The cultural event that is being organized by the County Government of Lamu under the theme of Peace for Resilience seeks to create awareness about the local cultures, promote tourism and building resilience through peacebuilding efforts.

On display during inauguration were traditional dances, folklore, choirs, solo verses, band music and Taarab a tribute to the diverse communities that co-exist.

Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua graced the colorful opening ceremony that was held at Tiger grounds in Mpeketoni and underscored that cultural extravaganza is for the preservation and resuscitation of the local cultural heritage of all the communities domiciled in Lamu for peaceful coexistence.

“We are alive to the fact that culture can be used to foster peace, unity, and integration and ultimately enhance county and national development,” said the D.G, adding the devolved unit will support such ventures in the coming subsequent years.

He further stressed that the cultural extravaganza provides the much needed platform to revive interest in local cultures and in the long run promote national unity.

The Deputy Governor who was representing Governor Issa Timamy further observed the festival was a wonderful way to promote communal harmony and teamwork through the exchange of local cultures.

“Governor Timamy’s administration is committed to supporting and promoting our culture and natural talent,” said the D.G while hailing Lamu’s rich cultural heritage.

Governor Timamy who is away for official duties has said after a long pause, Lamu is witnessing cultural revival which allows locals and tourists to celebrate a new impetus to art, cultural richness and promoting peace.

Mpeketoni cultural festivals is being held after a successful Lamu Cultural festivals which was held last month in Lamu island.


For more information contact: Lamu County Government Communications Office at


H.E Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H has today attended the 5th Intergovernmental forum for Agriculture that was convened by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock with the aim of enabling actors in the agricultural sector to interact, share and identify barriers against effective implementation of plans and programs at both levels of government.

The forum which was chaired by Cabinet Secretary Hon. Muthika Linturi under the theme of “Promoting Intergovernmental relations and partnerships for sustainable food systems towards 100% food & nutrition security in Kenya” provided an avenue for shaping important decisions on issues of policy, strategies and programs that are geared towards the attainment of the country’s agriculture goals.

The meeting deliberated in the spirit of collaboration and consultation between the two levels of government to ensure inclusive policy and project development to enable county’s to achieve food and nutrition security. They further agreed on how to cascade county governments to become food secure through assisting counties to move from rain fed to irrigated agriculture.

Speaking at the sidelines of the meeting Governor Timamy who is also the Council of Governors Blue Economy Chair reiterated that Agriculture is a devolved function and as such County Governments play an important role in ensuring that engagement at this level is necessary for the success of all activities under the sector, this will help secure sustainable outcomes that will benefit the famers. He further noted that his administration was keen on establishing irrigation farming at ward based levels as a way of creating employment and ensuring Lamu is good secure.

The forum brought together top leadership from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation led by the Cabinet Secretary – Hon. Muthika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime affairs Hon. Salim Mvurya, Council of Governors Chair H.E. Ann Waiguru, 17 Governors, senior government officials from both level of governments, private sector representatives, donors and development partners.


For more information contact: Lamu County Government Communications Office at


C.E.C.M Sebastian Owanga yesterday assumed his new office as County Executive Committee Member for Education, ICT, Gender, Youth Affairs, Sports, Community Development and Social Services from his predecessor Hon. Paul Thairu HSC,Mst J.

To usher in a new dawn, the former C.E.C.M Hon. Thairu congratulated the incoming C.E.C.M and handed over the departmental report that captured accomplishments and challenges faced during the tenure of the former regime.

Speaking after the handover C.E.C.M Hon. Owanga thanked Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H for having given him an opportunity to serve at the helm of the department and also promised other departmental staff members that he is going to provide leadership that will protract effective service delivery to all residents of Lamu.

“I want to personally thank Governor Timamy for believing in me to head this department and I’m aware of the demanding responsibilities in the department of Education, ICT, Gender, Youth Affairs, Sports, Community Development and Social Services” said Hon. Owanga.

The long standing educationist who brings a wealth of experience in the education sector having served as a teacher and a senior officer in the Ministry of Education, committed to work in consultation with departmental officers to achieve the governors development transformation agenda in the department.

He thanked the acting Chief officer Mr. Peter Ndichu for tirelessly working and providing management support and facilitating the smooth transition in putting everything into perspective in the Department.

Incoming C.E.C.M also took time to laud his predecessor Hon. Paul Thairu for the great work they did during his tenure.

Hon. Thairu thanked all the staff he worked with and reminded them they should at all times ensure they keep the government’s brand positive at all times in their place of work in serving the people of Lamu.

On hand to receive the incoming C.E.C.M was the Acting Chief Officer, Mr. Peter Ndichu, Director Charity Mwai among other senior departmental officers.


For more information contact: Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H has today led other coastal governors in paying a courtesy call on the Cabinet Secretary of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime affairs H.E. Salim Mvurya E.G.H to discuss on how they can stimulate economic development around the blue economy.

The two arms of government agreed to convene an intergovernmental forum on blue economy and establish intergovernmental sector forums for continued engagements.

Governor Timamy who is also the Council of Governors Blue Economy Committee Chairperson together with the P.S Fisheries and Blue Economy and the C.E.O will now work together in forming a task force team between the two arms of governments that will review and align the legislations and policies that conform to the constitution on Blue Economy.

C.S Mvurya further tasked Governor Timamy to represent the C.O.G in a KEMSFED steering committee after the five coastal governors discuss and approve on proposals to restructure KEMSFED project to ensure it achieves its objectives and aligns with county policies.

Speaking during the meeting the A.N.C Party leader thanked C.S Mvurya for hosting them and underscored the impact of blue economy noting that Blue Economy is pivotal in accelerating inclusive economic growth.

“Kenya’s coastal and marine environment is endowed with rich natural resources, which are of immense social and cultural value to the coastal region inhabitants and the nation at large. Although their environmental and cultural value is undeniable, the resources also have massive economic potential. As the C.O.G Blue Economy Committee Chair, I’m commited to ensure we chave a good working relationship with the national government to ensure the objectives of Blue Economy in the context of coastal counties, prioritise the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem health” Governor Timamy said.

The Governors and the C.S also agreed that the Ministry and the C.O.G will be working closely in the spirit of cooperation and consultation as envisioned in the constitution.

Other Governors present were; H. E. Fatuma Achani (Kwale), H. E. Gideon Mungaro (Kilifi), H. E. Abduswamad (Mombasa), H. E. Otuoma (Busia), and H. E. Achilo Ayako ( Migori ).


For more information contact: Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H is currently attending a consultative meeting that has brought other counties to discuss on long term resilience building mechanisms in the arid counties.

In his remarks, the Council of Governors Blue Economy Committee Chairperson emphasized on the need to tap into numerous opportunities arid counties offer that would aid into enabling them to become more resilient.

“Lamu boasts of hosting 65% of the mangrove forest cover in Kenya with all the nine mangroves’ species being in Lamu county. There are numerous opportunities we are exploring from these forests since they have an enormous capacity for absorbing up to 10 times more carbon dioxide from air than terrestrial trees” said Governor Timamy.

The governor further lauded a group of women from Lamu who have defied all odds and ventured into rearing of octopus that has enabled them to have an alternative sustainable livelihoods with their dependants.

The A.N.C party leader also highlighted availability of clean water as one of the challenges that is facing the people of Lamu but also expressed optimism that his administration is working with development partners to ensure that with the growing population in Lamu, all residents will have access to clean and safe water for domestic use.

Other counties attending the consultative meeting which has been convened by USAID in partnership with the Council of Governors include; Garissa, Marsabit, Turkana, Wajir, Mandera, Tana River, Isiolo, Baringo and Samburu counties respectively.


Lamu County’s new Executive Committee Members have today been sworn in to take up duties in their respective dockets in a colorful ceremony that was witnessed by H.E Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H

The swearing-in ceremony of the 7-member team was presided over by Legal Services Director, Ms. Kulthum Harith at Mkunguni square, Lamu Island.

While congratulating the new C.E.C.M’s Governor Timamy observed that the new team comes when his administration has lined up various projects, which need to be implemented immediately. He further challenged the new team to take up their responsibilities with dedication saying the assignments awaiting them were enormous.

“I appreciate you, for agreeing to work towards changing the face of Lamu in terms of service delivery. You were vetted and approved following your professional background, competencies and experience and therefore the great people of Lamu expect you to translate that into service delivery”Governor Timamy said.

The County boss further added that he expects the C.E.C.Ms to assist him deliver on his government programs and fulfill the promises he made to the people of Lamu and those who won’t deliver will have their contracts terminated.

Some of the projects that Governor cited for immediate implementation and action include; Agriculture; by making sure Lamu is food secure, Health; by ensuring there are drugs and effective services across all health facilities, Water; by ensuring all residents of Lamu have access to clean water among others.

Speaking during the same occasion, Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua congratulated the newly sworn in C.E.C.M’s and advised them to take their responsibilities with the seriousness that it deserves. He further committed to support the Governor towards delivering their manifesto to the people of Lamu.

The team of seven highly qualified, skilled adept and qualified men and women in public service and private sector include;

1. Hon. Mohamed Mbwana Ali – C.E.C.M for Finance, Budget, Strategy and Economic Planning

2. Hon. James Gichu – C.E.C.M for Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Security

3. Hon. Tashrifa Bakari Mohamed – C.E.C.M for Lands, Physical Planning, Urban Development, Energy, Water and Natural Resources, Infrastructure and Public Works

4. Hon. Owanga Sabastian Aduong’a – C.E.C.M for Education, ICT, Gender, Youth Affairs, Sports, Community Development and Social Services

5. Hon. Faiz Fankupi Abushiri – C.E.C.M for Fisheries, Blue Economy, LiveStock and Co-operative Development

6. Hon. Aisha Abdalla Miraj – C.E.C.M for Tourism, Culture, Trade and Investment and;

7. Hon. Dr. Mbarak Mohamed Mbarak – C.E.C.M for Health Services, Sanitation and Environment.

Also present at the swearing is Lamu County First Lady H.E. Dr. Dr. Hajara El-Busaidy, Women Representative Hon. Monica Marubu, Senator Hon. Joseph Githuku, Lamu East MP. Hon. Ruweida Obo, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas Ali, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa, M.C.A’s among others.


Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy, E.G.H has reiterated his commitment to work with Kenya Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations in ensuring residents from drought hit areas get the humanitarian assistance they require.

Speaking while giving fishing gears that will be used by over 800 fishermen in partnership with Kenya Redcross, the Governor lauded the institution for their noble contribution towards initiating and supporting programs that aim towards creating jobs, opening opportunities and improving the economic status of young people in Lamu County.

“I am humbled and honored to be installed as the Kenya Redcross Patron and a life member. I will always be highly appreciative of the important role played by the Kenya Red Cross in Lamu county and their unending endeavor to facilitate communities to respond to humanitarian emergencies, alleviate human suffering as well as implement innovative community driven programmes that transform lives and enhance community resilience” noted Governor Timamy.

He also applauded the humanitarian organization as being among the donors who gave the most contribution towards making the just concluded Lamu Cultural Festivals a success.

The Governor who accompanied by the First Lady H.E. Dr. Hajara El-Busaidy and his Deputy H.E. Raphael Munyua was speaking after the 59th Jamhuri day celebrations in Faza.


Today marked the 59th national Jamhuri Day celebrations with Lamu East residents from all walks of life being treated with pomp and colour at the county level celebrations that were held at Faza primary school grounds in Faza Ward.

Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy accompanied by First Lady H.E. Hajara Albusaidy and Lamu County Commissioner Mr. Irungu Macharia, led the county in the national celebrations at Faza, making it the first such national celebration to be held in Lamu East.

Speaking during the ceremony, where hundreds of attendants were treated to a galore of entertainment, the A.N.C. Party leader thanked his fellow elected leaders for the peaceful coexistence and teamwork. He further asked all Lamu residents to take this celebrations as a time to reflect on the commitment, dedication, selflessness and patriotism of the sons and daughters of our forefathers who laid their lives for Kenya to be free.

“We are marking this year’s Jamhuri day against the backdrop of 100 days as the Governor and Deputy Governor of Lamu County. Within that period, my administration has managed to put in place structures that will support our development agenda for our great county” Governor Timamy said.

The A.N.C party leader who was awarded E.G.H title today by President Dr. William Ruto, in recognition of his distinguished services rendered to the nation in various capacities, said his administration was in the process of reviewing the Universal Health Care coverage to ensure it’s effective and only covers deserving persons. He further noted that the county was in the process of digitizing all health facilities, a move that will curb leakages and improve on efficiency and service delivery.

While congratulating the new C.E.C.M’s nominees that will be sworn in tomorrow, Governor Timamy committed to continue supporting the bursaries and scholarships as a way of empowering the Lamu community by providing equal access of education to all. He also noted that his administration will roll out fortified ‘Uji’ program to all E.C.D.E centers but urged parents to take part and support the program by volunteering to cook for their children in schools. “In bid to help in retaining children in schools and reduce malnutrition, my administration will be launching free fortified porridge in all our E.C.D.E centers across the county. However, I call upon parents and guardians from those centers to volunteer in cooking for our children on rotational basis as a way of making the program successful” stated Timamy.

The Council of Governors Blue Economy Chairperson who was leading the national celebrations for the first time in Lamu East, assured the fishermen who have been seeking for compensation that his administration will work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure the fishermen who were displaced by the new Lamu port — LAPSSET — are fully compensated.

The county boss further declared war on drug dealers and cartels in Lamu and assured the public that his administration will work closely with the National Government to curb the drug problem in Lamu.

“Youth constitute an integral part of Lamu’s population and hence my government will remain steadfast in focusing on initiatives that would lead to their socio-economic empowerment” he added.

Lamu County Commisioner Mr. Irungu Macharia who read the President’s speech, called for concerted efforts between the national and county governments leaders in implementation of development projects for the good of the people.

Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua committed to assist the Governor to deliver on their mandate and on all the pledges that they made during the campaigns. He further urged politicians and leaders across the political divide to concert their efforts on issues that are geared in aiding Lamu towards it’s recovery path.

Next year’s Jamhuri day celebrations will be held in Kiunga under the new county rotational celebrations program. Mashujaa day shall be held at Witu while Madaraka Day shall be celebrated at Mpeketoni.

Also in attendance was, Lamu West M.P Hon. Ruweida Obo, Senator Hon. Joseph Githuku, Women Rep. Hon. Muthoni Marubu, County Executive Committee Members nominees, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas Ali, Chief of Staff Mr. Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa among others.


Lamu Governor and Council of Governors Blue Economy committee H.E. Governor Issa Timamy is currently in Hola, Tana River county attending the 4th Jumuiya Agribusiness & Blue Economy Investment Conference.

The A.N.C party leader who delivered his maiden speech yesterday called on Blue Economy investors to explore the vast investment opportunities in Coastal counties that will create jobs, spur economic growth, mitigate the impacts of climate change and help meet the food needs of the growing global population.

Governor Timamy further noted that Kenya’s marine and coastal fisheries have a high potential growth adding tthat Kenya’s Blue Economy could easily contribute three times its present share of gross domestic product , create jobs and bring prosperity to millions of Kenyans.

“Blue Economy sector already supports an estimated two million people directly and indirectly as fishers, traders, processers, input suppliers, merchants of fishing accessories, and providers of related services. It plays an important role in job creation, income generation, nutrition and food security” said Governor Timamy.

The three day conference which started yesterday and is being attended by the coastal Governors under the theme of Innovative Investments in Blue Economy, Urbanization and Regenerative Transformation.


Governor Issa A. Timamy is currently leading relief food drive for Mswakini , Bora Bodhei, Milimani ndogo, Kaloleni and Ndununi residents in Bargoni Ward.

The relief food distribution program will help drought-stricken Lamu residents cope with the effects of the raging drought and aims to cushion residents against the effects of the ravaging drought .

The lack of rain has exacerbated drought conditions, resulting in poor to no harvests for Lamu’s small-holder farmers and water and vegetation scarcity for the livestock herding communities.

Governor Timamy is accompanied by Lamu Deputy County Commisoner Mr. Charles Kitheka and and Lamu County Police Commander Mr. Moses Murithii.


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