County Government of Lamu


In Shela ward, the County Department of Sports is developing a new astro-turf pitch . The field is part of the County Government’s sports infrastructure development strategy focused at providing access to sports facilities in Lamu County.

This is one of six grassroots initiatives now underway, including:

-Lamu Boys astro-turf

– Twaif astro-turf

-Tchundwa Stadium’s Dias project is also in the works in Faza Ward.

-Bahari Ward’s Muungano basketball court

-Mkomani Ward’s Twaif Basketball Court

Governor Fahim Twaha’s overall sports infrastructure plan intends to help uncover, nurture, and develop indigenous sporting potential. The sporting infrastructure will allow leagues at all levels to play more frequently, which is essential for the development of local talent.

Sports are one of the key components of Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration’s goal to promote peace, education, violence prevention, gender equality, enhancing the County’s brand, and excellent health/physical fitness among the youth.


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I had the opportunity to join Executive Office of The President’s The Oceans and Blue Economy Office(TOBEO) Head, General (Rtd) Samson Mwathethe, who was the chief guest, Coastal County Executive Committee Members, BMU Network Chairpersons and other stakeholders to kick start the public participation activity that will run for three weeks on the above mentioned regulations.

This is an opportunity to tap into this natural resource and come up with regulations that will ease the ways of conducting business in the Blue Economy sector in order to empower and improve the living standards of the people.

Specific to Lamu County, we have set the ball rolling for a massive public participation process, as per law, by reaching out to each and every village in all the wards in the County.

In this initial contact, we have engagedstakeholders that utilize Lake Moa, Lake Kenyatta and Kiongwe to Kiunga not only on these regulations but on the Kenya Marine Fisheries Socio-Economic Development Project (KEMSFED)which is a project that stands to transform the lives of our people, if properly implemented.

The public participation exercise will be officially launched and led by HE Governor Fahim Twaha, who is also the Council of Governor’s Chair of the Blue Economy Sector Committee.

There will be a comprehensive update on the public participation process.

Fahima Araphat,OGW


Fisheries, Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative Development.

Lamu Governor H.E Fahim Twaha joins President Uhuru Kenyatta during the ongoing commissioning of the multi-million cancer centre at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital (CGTRH)

The new facility will be the second cancer center in Kenya after the one at Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral and Research Hospital in Nairobi.

The new facility, which was built in partnership between the national government and the county government, will offer both radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions.

The national government provided infrastructure while the county government gave out land and human resources.



An 11 year old boy from Lamu County has undergone a succesful operation to remove a meter long rod that had torn through his rectum into the abdomen.

The rod which was curved at the end and could not be pulled back, was successfully removed in a rare operation carried out by Dr. Danson Makanga at Mpeketoni Hospital.

According to the mother of the young boy, the child was walking home from school when he slid and fell on the metal rod in an abandoned construction site. He was found six hours later and rushed to the nearby Mpeketoni Hospital in Lamu County.

According to Dr. Danson Makanga who performed the surgery, the rare case has been documented in the East African Health Commission Research (EAHCR) journal. He further noted such injuries are also rare in the general public and more common in the military, according to the EAHCR journal.

Dr. Makanga who is a general surgeon thanked HE Governor Fahim Twaha for his commitment towards equipping Hospitals in Lamu county, adding that he was able to perform the surgery because of availability of medical equipment at the facility.

Read more….


The Nagele Livestock Market in Witu Ward is set to officially open next week opening up Lamu County as the next livestock hub.

The market comes on the heels of commissioning of the Lamu Port’s planned Export Livestock Marshaling Yard and the Bargoni Pre-export Quarantine Area that will enable livestock supply to Middle Eastern and Asian countries.

The market is a huge reprieve for Lamu livestock traders who previously had to walk their animals for long distances to Tana River County’s Garsen Township for sale.

It is also expected to boost the county’s revenue stream by at least KSh.20 million per year through livestock trading revenue collection.

Speaking at a Nagele Market Committee meeting at Witu on behalf of H.E Governor Fahim Twaha, Trade CECM Hon. Josphat Musembi pledged to provide infrastructure and policy to expedite the region’s livestock marketing credentials.

“Lamu County has been losing livestock revenue to Tana River through its thriving Garsen market despite our rich livestock resources that comprise over 30 pastoralist villages and close proximity to significant animal production hubs,” said Hon. Musembi.

He added that Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration is determined to transform the County into the next livestock hub by creating an enabling environment for livestock traders and investors.

“We will prioritize infrastructure management and maintenance, market data recording and distribution, disease detection and mitigation, security, and other pertinent services necessary for a conducive livestock trade environment,” he stated.

The county’s Chief Officer Livestock Mr.Charles Gichohi emphasized the market’s economic significance, saying that with improved pasture and clean water for livestock in Lamu, the market will unlock the region’s and inhabitants’ economic potential.

H.E Fahim Twaha’s efforts to secure Nagele’s resumption of operations were lauded by the community. They called on other sector players to work with the Lamu County Government to enhance the livestock market.

The Nagele Market Committee meeting organized by the County Department of Livestock in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industrialization followed a mandate from H.E Governor Fahim Twaha during his recent visit to several villages in Witu ward.


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Lamu County Government Communications Office @


11 new medical doctors have been hired to increase the doctor to patient ratio in the County medical institutions.

The new medics will be assigned to oversee the management of dispensary and health centres across the County.

The doctors, nine female and two male, qualified after a rigorous process that saw Lamu Public Service Board (LPSB) receive 110 applications.

The doctors were today issued with their appointment letters at a meeting held at the Mwanaarafa Hall, in the presence of Deputy Governor Abdulhakim Bwana and LPSB Chair man Mr.Abdalla Fadhili and Health CECM Dr. Anne Gathoni.

Dr Gathoni stated: “These newly employed medics will improve service delivery in Lamu County by bolstering our doctor-patient ratio. This is part of Governor Fahim Twaha’s immediate and long-term commitment to improving healthcare delivery by investing in human and infrastructural resources across County health facilities.

“Under Governor Fahim’s tenure, over 100 healthcare employees have been hired. 107 medics were promoted in the previous month,and the LPSB has committed to hire more nurses soon.

Other officials in attendance included Finance, Lands and Trade CECMs Hon. Abdu Godana, Hon. Ahmed Mohamed Hemed and Hon. Josphat Musembi; County Secretary Mr. John Mburu among other other senior County officials.


For more information contact:

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Mr. Abdalla Ahmed, Chief Officer Education, has urged students and youths across the county to take advantage of the county’s largest scholarship and bursary program to secure a better future for themselves and their families.

“The administration of Governor Fahim Twaha believes that every child deserves an education. It is a fundamental human right. Governor Fahim Twaha is committed to increasing access, retention, and transition to secondary schools, colleges, and universities for all Lamu youths by providing equal access to scholarships and bursaries “Mr. Ahmed stated

Mr. Abdalla Ahmed was addressing over 600 KCPE candidates drawn from different schools in Witu ward and Witu secondary school students, during a student’s guidance session by national Motivational speaker, Mr Wambungu wa Kamau.

He urged the kids to concentrate on their academics, stating that education has the potential of opening opportunities for those who take it seriously.

“Poverty levels could be cut in half if all adults finished secondary school, which is why Governor Fahim Twaha has set up the largest education fund since devolution began. Over 2,100 students with a KCPE score of 300 or higher are getting full scholarships from the county right now; this is four times the number of students who qualified when the initiative began in 2018/19. Another 8,500 secondary school students in boarding schools and day schools who could not get a score of 300 or higher are receiving Sh10,000 in boarding schools and Sh6,000 in day schools, respectively. Higher education will cover 2,200 students in colleges and universities, as well as another 4,000 in local TVETS.” He continued,

Chairman Witu Ward Bursary Committee Mr. Bwanamkuu Fumo, KESSHA representative,Witu Mjini Secondary School Board of Management, School Principal and Administration, Fund Manager CDF Lamu west were among those who attended the students motivating event.


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Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu County’s youth will soon be able to enjoy their sports in better conditions as construction of new state-of-the-art sports and recreational facilities progress.

The Lamu County Government’s Department of Sports has begun constructing three seven-a-side Astro-turf pitches in Shela, Lamu Boys, and Twaif as part of the county’s sports infrastructure development strategy.

Tchundwa Stadium’s Dias project is also in the works in Faza Ward. Two basketball courts are also being constructed from the ground up in Muungano, Bahari Ward, and Twaif, Mkomani Ward.

The six grassroots projects are part of Lamu County Governor Fahim Twaha’s overall sports promotion plan, which aims to help find, nurture, and develop indigenous sporting potential.

Governor Fahim Twaha identified sports as one of the crucial aspects in his administration’s objective to promote education, peace, violence prevention, gender equality, and good health among youth, yesterday January 2nd 2022, at the County offices in Mokowe.

“Sports are critical in keeping youth away from vices that are becoming increasingly common, such as drug abuse. Young people who participate in sports learn important life skills like communication, collaboration, and leadership, which increase their self-confidence and help them prepare for the job market.” Governor Fahim stated.

He went on to say that sports will bring the Lamu community together, fostering oneness.

“The team players work together in unity disregarding their differences while their supporters get together in harmony to cheer on their team, putting aside political tensions and cultural differences. Sport brings entertainment to people as they take a break from their daily routines ” he continued

Hon. Paul Thairu, HSC, CECM Education Technology, Youth Affairs, Sports, Gender and Social Services, further emphasized the importance of sports in encouraging physical fitness/ health as well as boosting Lamu County’s brand, selling the county to the globe, and improving its image.

“Physical activity promotes fitness and general well-being, therefore a sporting community has a good quality of life. Sports are particularly important in the growth of children since they teach life values like patience, leadership, teamwork, and self-esteem ” he stated.

Mr. Peter Ndichu, the County Director of Sports, said that having the necessary sports facilities at the ward level is a step in the right direction and would result in a lot of progress in the County’s sports. He added that the sporting infrastructure will enable leagues at all levels enabling frequent matches which are critical for the development of local talent.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Hon. Paul Thairu, HSC, CECM Education, led a team of top officials from the County Department of Education in handing over the County’s ECDE project to the awarded contractor in Nairobi area, Witu Ward on Monday 31st January 2021.

The Nairobi area ECDE project is one of seven that the Department of Education will commission this year, with Tewa, Muungano, Muhamarani, and Mugumoini already turned over last week, January 25th 2022.

Speaking during the handover ceremony at Nairobi area, Education CECM Hon Paul Thairu, HSC, underlined that, Governor Fahim Twaha’s administration is determined to expanding access to quality early learning to set Lamu’s young children on a brighter path to lifelong learning.

‘Education is at the heart of Governor Fahim Twaha’s approach to social reform, and we are dedicated to supporting a holistic early childhood development for the County’s future generation of children aged 4-5 years. Hon Thairu stated, “We have been on a journey to establish a solid and long-lasting basis for Lamu’s ECDE sector.”

“In a child’s first five years, the brain matures faster than at any other time and is at its most malleable – these early years are a critical period for getting children the care and learning opportunities we know they need to succeed in school and grow up to be healthy and productive adults,” he added.

Mr. Abdalla Ahmed, Chief Officer Education, said the project will provide relief to Nairobi area’s youngest learners, who have previously been forced to walk long distances to school.

“Because at 4-5 years old these children are particularly vulnerable, it is critical that they study in a safe, congenial atmosphere closer to home rather than trekking long distances to school.” Mr. Ahmed stated

In the last four fiscal years, the County Government has built a total of 28 ECDEs, with seven more planned for this fiscal year. Aside from infrastructure, the County has hired over 112 ECDE instructors, with 80% of them already promoted to the next job group.

Over 4,000 seats and 1300 tables were sent to each of the 145 ECDEs across the county last financial year, together with KSh 5 million worth of teaching materials.

Witu ward MCA, Hon. Jonathan Mketa, Assistant County Commissioner, Emmanuel Koech, Area Chief, Simon Macharia, Mr. Athman Kheri, ECDE coordinator, Edwin Karanja, Quantity Surveyor, and Mr. Charles Murigi, Building Inspector were among those in attendance._


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Over 100 ECDE leaders and teachers drawn from across the county attended the first introductory face-to-face session for the ongoing professional learning program, 2022 this Friday, January 28th 2022 at the Royal Park Hotel in Mpeketoni.

The Lamu County Government’s Department of Education, in collaboration with the Agha Khan Foundation, is launching the program to improve teaching excellence in Lamu by investing in teachers’ professional development.

CECM Education Hon. Paul Thairu, HSC, speaking when he officially launched the program, lauded the partnership with the Agha Khan Foundation, saying it greatly complements the County Government’s ongoing efforts to uplift the Lamu Community through universal access to quality education. He terms the program as vital because it will discover and develop high-quality teachers who are committed to children’ overall development as well as their own professional development as excellent teachers.

“The provision of professional development will aid in the establishment of a professional community of capable, well-resourced teachers. A capable workforce that will aid Governor Fahim Twaha’s vision of universal access to high-quality education. Since devolution, the County Government has successfully developed the largest education fund, ensuring that education is accessible to all . This will help to ensure our children enjoy the best quality education as well. ” Hon Thairu stated

The teachers are divided into three groups, each with 30 participants, to get training in the areas of language, numeracy (mathematics), and leadership. The best six performers in each area will be elevated to the position of trainers.

The one-year scholarship program comprises of programs for teachers in a variety of academic areas, as well as specialized programs concentrating on education-related skills and understandings.

It will also work to improve teachers’ professional competency by improving their topic knowledge and examining how to successfully teach their subject. Each program alternates between intensive learning activities and a prolonged time of assisted application and observation in the tachers’ own classrooms.

The shortlisted teachers will be facilitated by the Agha Khan Academy Mombasa and will continue with the sessions via distance learning and learning walks by the facilitators in the schools.

In attendance were representatives of The Agha Khan Foundation, British Council and Canadian Embassy; as well as Dr. Joseph Ng’ang’a, Chief Officer Youth and Sporting, Mr. Peter Ndichu, County Director of Sports, Mr. Kassim Mohamed County Youth Coordinator, Senior Sports Officer Mr. Abubakar Abubakar, and other senior officials from the County Department of Education.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government’s Communications Office @

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