County Government of Lamu


H.E. The Governor Issa Timamy E.GH, O.G.W has today issued busuary and scholarship cheques worth Ksh. 3 million to six secondary schools in Lamu East Constituency.

The six schools are:-

Kiunga Secondary school.

– Faza secondary school

– Kizigitini secondary school

– Patte Girls secondary school

– Siyu Secondary school

– Sheikh Msellem Secondary school Mbwajumwali.

The scholarship will benefit continuing students who are currently enrolled under the County bursary and scholarship program.

The Governor also congratulated students who received their scholarships and encouraged them to work hard in their studies since it’s only through hard work that they can achieve their goals.

“In order to cultivate a reading culture in Lamu East, I will personally buy story books since they are critical towards improving reading and speaking skills.” Said Governor Timamy at Patte Girls secondary.

The Governor further stated that his administration will not hesitate to recall scholarships to all those will not perform in their studies.

In attendance was Education C.E.C.M Hon. Sebastian Owanga, Chief Officer Ms. Hafswa Difini, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir Issa, Chief Officer Fisheries and Blue Economy Kamalu Shariff among others.


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Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has attended a consultative meeting of Lamu County elected leaders to address land issues in Lamu.

The meeting that was chaired by the Cabinet Secretary from the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development Hon. Zacharia Mwangi Njeru gave an opportunity to all elected leaders to address the issues of squatters and injustices in land distribution that has affected Lamu County for decades.

The C.S assured leaders and the residents of Lamu that his Ministry was committed to getting to the root cause of the longstanding land issues and offering amicable solutions.

Lamu Governor thanked leaders for attending the meeting noting that it was a good head start towards solving land issues in Lamu. He further noted that among key challenges that affect the Lamu people are inequalities in land distribution and further urged the C.S to deter the issuance of title deeds to cartels who acquire title deeds from Nairobi without the knowledge of the County Government yet land is a devolved function.

The governor further urged political leaders not to publicize the emotive land adding that it’s a sensitive matter that requires a concerted effort of all stakeholders to find a solution.

The meeting comes as a follow-up to President William Ruto’s tour of the County last weekend where he committed to address the arising land issues in the area.

In attendance was Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua, County Women Representative Hon. Monica Marubu, Lamu West M.P Hon. Stanley Muthama, Lamu East M.P Captain Ruweida, Nominated Senator Hon. Shakila Abdalla, County Lands CECM Hon. Tashrifa Mohamed, Lamu County Member’s of Assembly led by their Speaker Hon. Azhar Ali among others.


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Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has this afternoon laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new hospital in Hindi ward, with a capacity for 52 beds.

The facility which is being constructed by BOMU Hospital will be completed before end of this year and will host an emergency wing, ICU, out/in patient and specialists.

Speaking during the ceremony, Governor Timamy lauded the move by BOMU to set up an ultra modern hospital in Lamu and further expressed the commitment of his administration to equip all public hospitals to ensure the great people of Lamu get quality health care services.

The governor called upon investors to pool-in broadly into Lamu stating that his administration had re-engineered a rebirth of making Lamu an economic thrift through devolution as envisioned by the proponents of the Constitution.


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Cabinet Secretary from the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development Hon. Zacharia Mwangi Njeru was today at the Port of Lamu for a familiarization tour of the key operational areas.

The Cabinet Secretary who was accompanied by Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W was received at the Port of Lamu by Operation Officer Mr. Earnest Mbalanya.


Lamu County has once again attracted a big player in the banking sector after Co-operative Bank opened its second branch in Lamu County.

H.E. Governor Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W graced the official opening of the branch which is the 15th in Coast region.

Bank’s Regional Manager Mr. Philip Musyoka said the decision to open the branch in Hindi town was informed by the fast growing nature of the local economy in Lamu County.

Governor Timamy thanked Co-operative Bank gesture and assured the branch will attract business and spur the economic growth in Hindi and Lamu County. He further thanked the bank for it’s contribution towards supporting the education sector through issuance of scholarships.

In attendance was Lamu Deputy Governor H.E. Raphael Munyua, Lamu West M.P Hon. Stanley Muthama, County Finance C.E.C.M Hon. Mbwana Mohamed, County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief Officer Finance Ms. Salma Omar, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa, Hindi M.C.A Hon. James Njaaga, Cooperative Bank Management led by the Board of Director Mr. Richard Kimanthi among others.


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Lamu County will soon have a new cashew nut processing factory, following new investment opportunities that have been opened to investors by the Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W.

The Governor spoke when hosting Equatorial Nut processors and SUED on Tuesday when they paid him a courtesy call to discuss on how they would collaborate towards ensuring the processing plant works seamlessly and revives the abeyant crop in Lamu.

“We are currently in the final stages of setting up a major Cashew processing plant in Hindi ward which will not only offer a ready market for cashew farmers’ produce, but also eradicate middlemen known to exploit our farmers,” stated Governor Timamy.

On their part, Equatorial Nut Processors Ltd who will implement the project through SUED, committed to ensure the processing plant which will create over 270 direct jobs, will be a refinement in improving socio-economic potential and guarantee better profits to the thousands of families that derive their livelihood from the crop.

The Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chair also affirmed his commitment to continue attracting foreign investment into value-added industries to wean the county’s economy. These measures include assuring investors and business owners government’s full support and clear the way of unnecessary hurdles frustrating them.

The cashew nut project is part of the Governor’s ambitious projects that he has rolled out to turn Lamu into a bustling economic hub. This year, the county will set up a ginnery in Mpeketoni Bahari Ward and is also seeking to establish fruits and fish processing plants.

In attendance was British High Commission Economic Lead Development Ms. Eunice Ogolo , K.C.L Consortium Mr. Edward Mungai, SUED Team Leader Mr. John Kashangaki among others.


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Hydrating Humanity team leader Mr. Patrick Selevy and his delegation, on Tuesday paid a courtesy call to Lamu Governor H.E Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W at the county headquarters in Mokowe.

During the meeting Mr. Selevy pledged to drill 10 boreholes as part of their pursuit for provision of clean water.

Lamu Governor applauded the move and further requested Hydrating Humanity to drill more boreholes in Lamu.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at


13 community groups from Faza ward have received 147 heifers, 21 bulls, five fiber boats and outboard engines under the County Government of Lamu in partnership with World Bank-funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Program (KCSAP).

Presiding over the events in Rasini and Mtangawanda, Lamu Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W handed over five community fisher groups from Rasini with five fishing boats and five motor boat engines in an initiative that aims to diversify and promote food and income security for small holder fishermen groups.

“My Administration remains committed to continue supporting fisher community groups across the county in food production to ensure food security for all. The multi-faceted social protection program which is in line with Lamu County Government policy as well as KCSAP goals will go a long way in increasing food security and rural poverty eradication through better disposable income to households” Governor Timamy stated.

Addressing Kizingitini residents where 8 small holder farmers received heifers, bulls and goats, the Governor emphasized that the move was protracted towards transforming the local farmers from cattle herders to commercial farming as well as having a vibrant food and nutrition secure county.

Agriculture C.E.C.M Hon. James Gichu congratulated the beneficiary groups and commended the area residents for their hard work and determination, he further asked them to take good care of the animals. He also said his department will be carrying out random inspections to ensure the grants are being managed well.

The beneficiary groups that received fiber boats and outboard engines at Rasini are;

1. Bahamisi women group fiber boat and outboard engine

2.Tarazzak Loans and Savings Self Help group-Pate

3. Kizingitini Youth Empowerment network

4. Ronaldinho Fishermen Self Help Group -Rasini

5. Tumaini Youth Group- Mbwajumwali

Those that received goats, heifers and bulls at Mtangawanda include;

1. Pate Muungano Self Help Group 20 heifers, 2 bulls

2. Pate Kisiwani Women Group 21 heifers, 2 bulls

3. Riziki Self Help Group 21 cows 1 bull

4. Bahamisi Majukumu Youth Group 21 heifers 2 bulls (Mtangawanda)

5. Mabroq Siu Self Help Group 20 heifers 2 bulls (Pate)

6. Bwanajungu Women Group 20 heifers 2 bulls (Pate/Mtangwanda)

7. Chundwa Subira Women Group 84 goats

8. Siu Community Self Help Water Project 20 heifers 2 bulls

In attendance was County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas, Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa, Chief Officer Kamalu Sharrif, Faza Ward M.C.A Abubakar Mohamed alias Simba, Lamu KCSAP coordinator Steven Mbuvi among other county staff.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office at


Lamu County Governor H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, O.G.W has this morning made an impromptu visit at the Faza OPD with an aim of checking the functionality of Government structures and equipment towards quality service delivery to residents.

Governor Timamy said he will be conducting similar impromptu visits to different facilities with an aim of ensuring our hospitals offer topnotch healthcare to residents, envisages a functional health system that meets the needs of every person, well equipped health facilities as well as a well trained and motivated workforce.

The Governor was accompanied by the County Secretary Amb. Ali Abbas and Chief of Staff Mr. Abdulnasir M. Issa among other officers.


For more information contact:

Lamu County Government Communications Office Email:

County Government of Lamu to tap into Blue Economy opportunities by setting up a multibillion fish port in Mokowe, Lamu. According to Lamu Governor and the Council of Governors’ Blue Economy Committee Chair H.E. Issa Timamy E.G.H, the fish port will promote exports and increase county revenue to an annual of estimate of 50 billion shillings.

The facility which will be set up in Mokowe, will lead to creation of over 20,000 jobs, and also stimulate growth in other related sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, logistics, transport, trade and commerce.

Speaking during a thanks giving ceremony in Mpeketoni on Sunday, Pesident William Ruto lauded Governor Timamy’s commitment towards unlocking Lamu’s economic potential adding that he has the full backing of National Government.

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